School Blog

Stay Active Challenge

During the lock down period, it is important that we all try to stay as active as possible. Here is a 60 second challenge that you could complete as a little competition with your families. 

Home learing


I hope you are all well and coping with everything that is going on. I've been very happy to hear from some children sending me their work and I want to share it with you.


Evie has sent her work from home - telling time practice! Well done Evie. Maisie has been very busy writing instructions how to look after a bee and explanation how bees make honey. Well done Maisie! Brilliant work girls and thank you!


Covid- 19 diary

If you're struggling with things to do- do what Charley has done and create a Covid-19 diary. What a brilliant idea and a bit of history in the making. Well done Charley, what an exceptional idea.

Some more fantastic home learning

A massive well done to Jack for all his hard work with the home learning. We're impressed with you working on your handwriting, spellings and reading. Keep up all the hard work and stay safe. 

Year 4 More Home Learning Creations!

A new addition  from Molly - a great portrait of King Henry VIII - well done!  We also have Darcy's lovely example of a Tudor Rose and Reuben's amazing drawings of a Gregosaurus and a portrait of Anne Boleyn to add to our Tudor Art Gallery.  Fantastic work Molly, Darcy and Reuben and thank you!   Mrs Blomeley

Don't forget - keep your work coming to


More ideas for home learning Y6

Hope you are all coping well with everything that is going on. I've been very happy to hear from so many children sending me their work. I can't wait to see you all again.

Here are some links for you to use to keep busy during the school closure. I will keep updating the home learning activities every Monday but these are some extra ideas.

There are 5 maths lesson each week on the White Rose website- just downlaod the Year 6 pack:
