School Blog

Reception Home Learning W/B - 13th April

Here is the link for some more home learning ideas.

I have also added some new science learning to Education City.  Well done everyone that has completed the maths activities, I have been viewing all your scores and you have worked super hard! Fantastic!  I will be giving certificates out for all the Education City Superstars when we get back to school.

Click on read more to access.

Stay safe!  Miss you all!

Mrs Kleban

Year 1 Online Learning Week Beginning 13th April

If you are self isolating, the attached learning grid will give you ideas for activities to complete at home. Please click Read More to access!. These blogs will be updated every few days so keep checking as it's our way of communicating with you. Please have a go at the activities and don't forget to checkout the Homework Weblinks page on the website to access My Maths, Bug Club and Education City.  If you have any issues with accessing this work, please contact admin@broadbent

Year 6 home learning 13th April


I hope you've had a lovely break.

Press read more to see some attached activities that you can complete this week at home. Look at last weeks page to see the attachments for other subjects like science and art.

Year 4 Home Learning for week commencing 13th April

Happy Easter Year 4!  I hope you are all enjoying the Easter sunshine and your chocolate!  As this is the Easter holiday, this week's Home Learning grid is all about ENJOYMENT!  There are some tasks to keep you occupied but make sure you take time to relax with your families too.

Y5 Home Learning Grid 13th April

Hello Year 5 I do hope that you've had an amazing bank holiday weekend and that the Easter bunny came and delivered some Easter eggs. Please click on the Read More section to access the home learning for this week. Take good care, stay home and stay safe. 

Year 2 Home Learning Grid 13.04


Hello Year 2, hope you are all well and having a lovely Easter. I have attached some new home learning activities. Click read more to access.  Please continue to send photographs of your amazing work.

Stay safe and try not too eat too much chocolate ;)


