School Blog

How to make a cheese sandwich

Year 1 had the task of writing instructions for and making cheese sandwiches. They all tasted delicious! We worked in 2 teams to write the instructions as a group trying to include all of our Year 1 writing targets. 

Aldi Kit for School

Thank you to all the parents during Autumn term who brought in stickers from Aldi. We managed to fill 2 posters and so have recieved 2 bags of free sporting equipment. In each bag there are some bibs, cones, beanbags, relay batons, stickers, egg and spoons and some balls. Broadbent Fold will have a fantastic time using this equipment in the run up to sports day!

Lemon Volcanoes!

Year 5 had a fantastic time in science week making their lemon volcanoes at Rayner Stevens Secondary School.   They all used their scientific skills to make excellent predictions and learnt lots of new scientific vocabulary.  Well done Year 5!

Super Science Week!

Year 4 had an amazing Science Week!  They "wowed" each other throughout the week with their presentations of their homework scientific experiments!  The week ended with them dressing as a fantastic array of mad scientists, a visit to the Science Fair to see the winners of the homework experiments and,  finally,  a trip down to Rayner Stephens to work in a high school Science Lab!  The class thoroughly enjoyed making chemical reactions with lemons and bicarbonate of soda.  Year 4 really do love Science!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 4 Rise to the Challenge!

Year 4 braved the cold, windy weather to start the week with the "Challenge Me" task of throwing and catching a tennis ball for six minutes -ONE HANDED!  They soon warmed up and enjoyed their challenge!  Some children improved their throwing and catching skills too!  Mrs Blomeley


Science Fair 2020

A massive thank you to all of the children at Broadbent Fold who took part in our Science Fair competition. I have really enjoyed looking at all of the different scientific experiments that have been produced. Thankyou to all of the parents and carers for supporting this event.

Our winners were:

Reception- Vincent Ennis and Charlie Hilton

Y1- Phoebe Easter and Isla Rothwell

Y2- Sam Sheppard and Evie O'Brien

Y3- Boyd Moody and Heidi Thomas

Y4- Ayden Hawley and Joshua Murphy

Y5- Cerys Clayton and Gracie Lawlor

Super Science at Rayner Stephens

Dressed to impress as 'Mad Scientists' Year 3 went to Rayner Stephens to use their science labs. To link with our bridge engineers, we created our own super structures. Our aim was to create a bridge that was sturdy enough to withstand a pile of cubes. What a fantatsic visit it was!

Science Week

We had a fantastic Science Week. We all made wonderful mad scientists on Friday. We all visited the Science Fair and enjoyed seeing all the different experiments.

Reading Bees

A massive thank you to Greta, our lovely Toast Lady for making our fabulous reading bees! The children are loving taking them home and sharing books with them. 
