School Blog

Challenge Me Throwing and Catching Event

Broadbent Fold took part in the Challenge Me Throwing and Catching event on Monday. Pupils in EYFS ahd to throw and catch a large ball for 2 minutes, pupils in KS1 had to throw and catch a tennis ball for 4 minutes and pupils in KS2 had to try to throw and catch a ball with one hand for 6 mintues. Pupils enjoyed the event and all got stickers for taking part. 

British Science Week

As part of Science, we did lots of experiments. We worked on our prediction skills and explaining the results of our experiments. We made patterns using skittles. we managed to get a glass of water to hold up some card and we made some magic potions. 

Pupil Leaders choose equipment to keep us fit!

The Pupil Leaders are being kept busy lately!  An important task was to choose four items of equipment for our KS2 playground.  They voted to make it fair but overall the Pupil Leaders agreed and they put their choices forward.  Watch this space to see the final equipment they chose!   Mrs Blomeley

Year 6 British Science Week

Well done to all of Year 6 for completing and sharing your 'Science Fair' projects with the rest of the class. The children have had the opportunity to share how they have worked scientifically to plan and investigate a scientific question during their home learning. The children produced a variety of scientific enquiries from investigating magnets and exploring density to looking at chemical reactions made to create volcanoes. We have also entered a competition to design a product for an engineer.

Yr 6 sculptures

We have finally completed our sculptures of Skellig from our class text. We started our sculptures with artist Sarah Hicks and we have now added the finishing touches. These have been diplayed around the school. I am really pleased with the end results- well done year 6!

Science Week

It's Science Week and this year we're focusing on the journey of a bee. Today, we learnt about how a bee makes its journey to the flower to collect nectar and as it does it transfers pollen from one flower to the next. We decided to act out pollination and became buzzy bees or beautiful flowers ourselves! We made our outfits then buzzed around the classroom, picking up pollen and moving it from one flower to another. We learnt why pollination is so important as without it new plants wouldn't grow. 

Science Experiments

Year 1 have worked extremely hard on their science projects at home. They got the opportunity to share them with the class today and everyone was fascinated! There were some great ideas! Thank you to all the parents/carers who have helped their child with these projects. A special well done to Isla and Phoebe who have been selected by the class to share their project with the rest of the school in the science fair on Friday.

Dippy the Diplodocus

Year 1 went on a school trip to Rochdale to see Dippy the Diplodocus which is on tour from London. We were fascinated with how big Dippy was! We also got to see lots of fossils and make pledges for how we can help to save the planet. 
