School Blog

Making Mysterious Creatures!

Year 4 enjoyed their Design & Technology morning when they made the newly disccovered, mysterious creatures they had designed!  The children worked extremely hard to turn their 2D designs into amazing 3D models!  Well done Year 4!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 3 E-safety open classroom for parents

Year 3 have shared their computing and e-safety knowledge with parents. They shared how to stay safe using the traffic light system, we use the system to check websites, games and APPs are suitable.

Do you know how to keep safe online?

Knife Crime Workshop

I would just like to say a huge thank you to our year 6 pupils and families for attending our knife crime talk this morning. I am very proud of you all for listening to some hard-hitting information.

My job as a headteacher is to get pupils prepared for the wide world. I am sure this workshop will be remembered and it will keep them safe. 

Year 6 art workshop

Today Year 6 were joined by artist Sarah Hicks. We created some fantastic artwork based on our class text Skellig. We did some printing of feathers and images of Skellig. We then mde some sculpture out of clay using a wire skeleton base first. We had a fun-filled day and it was lovely to see so much creativity from the children. I will post some pictures of the sculptures when they are complete. 

Forest School Fun

Year 1 have been having fun in forest school this term and learning new skills.  They have been climbing trees and learning how to safely use loppers to cut branches for den building and craft activities.

Thank you PTFA !

Year 4 would like to say a huge thank you to the PTFA for funding a set of class books, just in time for our next topic! Mrs Blomeley

Act of kindness!

We are so proud of Tilly in Year 4! Last weekend she had 10 inches cut off her hair and has donated it to the Little Princess Trust! They provide free real hair wigs to children and young people who have lost their hair through cancer treatment and other conditions.  What a wonderful, caring citizen Tilly is - always willing to help others.  Thank you. Mrs Blomeley


Missing Penguin

We have been extremely busy hunting for a lost penguin. We found some clues in our playground - feathers, ice and footprints! We have painted pictures, made missing posters and made traps. Please let us know if you spot him!
