School Blog

Skeleton Maths

Year 3 kicked off science week with measuring their skeletons in maths. They thoroughly enjoyed finding the bones, using the scientific names and using string and a meter stick to work out how long they were. We're intrigued to find out who has the longest humorous and which bone is the longest in the body! 

Challenge me - Throwing and Catching

Today, we completed our 'Challenge Me' challenge, where we had to throw and catch a ball with one hand. We praticed with our strongest hand, our weaker hand, then a combination of both and then with a partner. We all managaed to complete the challenge! 

Sports Star of the Week

Hannah recieved the very first Sports Star of the Week award last week. The Inspire coaches were very impressed with her teamwork when playing sports at lunchtime. Well done Hannah and keep up the good work. 

World Book Day

On Thursday it was World Book Day... We all came dressed as book characters. We had a special visitor, Gangsta Granny (AKA Mrs Blomeley), who read us a story. The children took the opportunity to share their favourite stories with each other. 

Puppet show

What a fun and creative week we had! On Monday we made Bee and Me puppets. On Tuesday we wrote speech bubbles and scripts which we later used in our puppet show. We were buzzing about it. 

Football match against St Stephens RC

The boys had a fantastic match tonight against St Stephens RC. Both teams played well with St Stephens RC scoring the first goal of the match however Broadbent Fold pulled it back to win the game 2-1 and qualify for the quarter finals. 

Dodgeball Competition

Broadbent Fold took part in a dodgeball competition against other schools in Tameside. They came 2nd in their heat beating Corrie and Mottram but losing to Russell Scott. A special well done to Aarron who got a school games badge for showing good teamwork throughout the competition. 

Determination Action Sports Festival

Broadbent Fold were lucky to be able to attend the action sports festival at Graystone Action Park, Salford. The pupils got to experience scootering, trampolining, skateboarding, the cliff drop and many more activities. 

Bee Proud Volleyball Competition

Some of our Year 3 pupils went to compete in a volleyball competition against pupils in Years 3-6. They had some brilliant games and worked well as a team. Well done to Aaron gettin volleyballer of the day and Heidi getting a school games badge for passion. 
