School Blog

World Book Day

We all looked fantastic in our costumes to celebrate World Book Day. We shared our favourite stories and made masks to match our costumes.

Dear Zoo

We received a letter from the Zoo! We wrote some fabulous letters back requesting lots of different pets.

Pancake Day

We shared the story Mr Wolf's Pancakes and then Mrs Watkin made pancakes with us. They tasted delicious!

Science Week

On Thursday 13th March, Year 5 went to Rayner Stevens science lab and did an experiment called ‘Lemon Volcanoes.’ The Citric Acid in the lemon reacted with the Bicarbonate of Soda to make the lemon erupt like a volcano. It became all foamy and frothy and we used food colouring to make it look colourful. We also learnt some new key vocabulary and wrote the investigation up. We used: a lemon, a plastic knife, a tray, a lollypop stick, a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda, food colouring and fairy liquid. It was such a fun day and we enjoyed it very much.

Rayner Stephens science

Year 6 have all passed their O.W.L's (Ordinary Wizarding Levels) during our Harry Potter themed experiments today at Rayner Stephens High School.  We have looked at chemical reactions caused by mixing bicarbonate of soda and vinegar and we have looked at the density of liquids. The children have had a really enjoyable day and used lots of scientific knowledge in their predictions and conclusions. I am really impressed with their efforts. 

In the Jungle

Our topic this term is all about the Jungle. We have done sone fantastic paintings of jungle animals.


Elsa has frozen all our polar animals! We have been investigating the best way to set them free.

British Science Week

Year 4 have had a fabulous time making their boats. They thoroughly enjoyed finding out about buoyancy, stored energy in an elastic band and how to propel a boat forward. A big thank you to everyone who collected and brought in resources and especially to those who shared resources too.

Science Experiment entries


Well done to all the children who entered the Science Homework Experiment! The quality of the children’s work is fantastic and they all delivered their work with such enthusiasm, it was lovely to see! Every child got chance to present their investigation using scientific vocabulary and discuss their conclusion/results. Well done guys! They are all amazing!

