School Blog

Chinese New Year

We had a fantastic week celebrating Chinese New Year. We made dragons, sampled Chinese food and measured and compared the length of noodles.

Polar Animals

We have been learning all about polar animals. We have looked at where they live on the globe and found out lots of facts about them.

Are Spaces Really Empty?

Year 4 had fun testing the question - Are spaces really empty? Using a cup and paper towel. and immersing it in water, they proved that the space was filled with air which prevented the paper towel from getting wet! They also proved that spaces in the sponges were filled with air, as these produced bubbles in the water when they released their grip on the sponge!  Super Scientists!  Mrs Blomeley

Fish Keeper Fry Week 2 and 3

Well we've introduced six Zebra Danios to our aquarium and learn about the bacteria and how to keep our fish healthy and happy. The children are thoroughly enjoying themselves and are soothed watching the fish darting around their tank. 

Pupil Voice!

The Pupil Leaders have been extremely busy lately!  Their current tasks include giving feedback from their classes about the new "Good to be Green" iniatative, finding local places of interest to be included in the new artwork planned for the Hall and helping to choose new playground equipment!  They will also be reading through and shortlisting the entries for the upcoming "500 Words" competition!  They are doing a fantastic job!   Mrs Blomeley 

Cricket skills in Year 4!

Year 4 have been very fortunate to secure weekly cricket sessions with Anthony, a Development Coach from the Lancashire County Cricket Foundation.  They are currently learning batting , bowling and fielding skills and enjoying every minute!   Mrs Blomeley

Spring 1 Pirates

Ahoy me hearties! This half term our topic is Pirates. We started our topic with writing manuals on how to look after a ship and how to dress like a pirate. We have also been busy drawing pirate portraits, designing pirate flags and creating treasure maps. Soon we will be reading the story of Peter Pan and writing our own adventure stories. 
