School Blog

Toys in Space

We have been reading Toys in Space. We were amazed when the Hoctopize came and took our toys! We made missing posters and wrote letters. We were so happy when our toys came back!

Urban Extreme Dance Competition

Yesterday, Broadbent Fold took part in the Urban Extreme Dance Competition at Copley Academy. Their performance was amazing scoring them a total score of 51/70. Well done to everyone that competed!

Little Rockys Visit

We had the pleasure of Little Rockys visiting school today and telling us all about boxing. We got to try on the equipment so we looked like real boxers and some of us got to have a go, including Mrs Parker! 

Leadership training

Today, Year 5 were training to be play leaders. They worked in teams to learn different games and activities that they can play with the younger children using the SMILES acronym:

S afety

M axiumum participation

I nclusive

L earning

E njoyment

S uccess


They then came back to class and discussed how they could change the game if some children could not get involved to make it as fun as possible for everyone.


Children have thoroughly enjoyed learning how to use the control programme of scratch, this has contributed to improving their computing skills. The hour of coding website has fabulous web links with other coding games that children could play at home. 

Thank you!

What a turn out to our Christmas Fair. Thank you all for your attendance, it was truly magical. Thank you to staff and our PTFA for your time and effort. It was truly appreciated! 

Family Cooking Event

What a fantatsic time the children have had with the Children's Nutrition Team cooking with their families over the last three weeks. Well done folks. 
