School Blog

I have dream...


This week, we have been celebrating black history week and focusing on Martin Luther King’s inspiring speech 'I have dream'. The children have been researching about other famous black people and learning about their accomplishments and achievements.  We then discussed and created a display about ‘our dreams’. The children have come up with some fantastic ideas which is displayed in the Year 5 classroom.


Project Homework


As part of our Kensuke's Kingdom, the children create models of Kensuke's Island as part of their project homework. The models look fantastic and are on display in the main entrance, in the school library and in the classroom. Thank you to parents who helped support their child in the making of the superb models. 


Christmas Card Competition.

Our Pupil Leadership Team have been working with Councillor John Taylor to create a wonderful card for Dukinfield residents. They did an amazing job and I would like to thank Luca Ovenden-Edwards and Alex Cragg for their hard work choosing the winners. Two winners from each class will receive a prize, but the overall winner is Harriet Stafford in Year 5. Her drawing of Dukinfield Town Hall was magical. Keep an eye out of the card being sent to homes and for the Reporter newspaper, where her success will be celebrated. 

Fun Maths


Today, Year 5 have been working in partners on their mental arithmancy skills on the four functions. They rolled 4 dice between them and their partner and then decided what they wanted to do with them. E.g. 9, 16, 14 and 2. 2+14x9-16=? Their first task, was to get as many numbers on a number square circled in 10 minutes, then we challenged them to 4 in a row.  Super team work by all pairs of children.


Curling Olympians!

A huge well done to our curling stars. Charley Doran for showing 'passion', which is a key sporting value and Jenson Wardhaugh for being the 'Star'. This is a new sport to Broadbent Fold and our school are very proud of your achievements. I am looking for a whole school event in this - possibly find more future champions.

Great Expectations.

Well done to Cerys Clayton and Lolly Atkins who have received my certificate for following our school expectations. They have been using manners, showing respect and listening very well. Also, the winner of our Dukinfield Christmas card competition is Harriet Stafford. Well done Harriet, your card has been chosen by our pupil leadership team and Councillor John Taylor to represent Dukinfield at Christmas time. We are all very impressed with your art skills and we cannot wait to see it. 
