School Blog

Creating our Class Charter!

As a Rights Respecting School we are all working towards achieving our Silver Award.  The Rights are based around the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and recently Year 4 worked really hard in groups to decide which Articles they would like to include in their Class Charter.  The Charter will provide a frameword for both adults (Duty Bearers) and children on how to respect each other's rights. Watch this space for more details of the Articles they chose and their Class Charter display.  Mrs Blomeley

Year 4 in the Hot Seat!

Year 4's enthusiasm for our Roman topic is amazing!  So far they have written non-chronological reports about some of the Roman gods and put themselves in the shoes of a Roman soldier, posted in Britain to build Hadrian's Wall.  "Hot Seating" is where a child takes on the role of a character to answer questions from the rest of the class.  Year 4 impressed me by their carefully thought out questions and the attention to detail from the Hot Seat character. Well done Year 4!    Mrs Blomeley

Music time in Year 4!


Year 4 were extremely excited to begin their clarinet lessons with Mr Wright!   Following a warm up singing session their first task was to learn how to put their clarinets together!  They are all looking forward to learning how to play this instrument from the woodwind family.  Mrs Blomeley 


What a yummy end to our week. Thank you for making our Macmillan event scrummdillyumptious and thank you to Mrs Butler for organising it. We rasied over £480 which is amazing, so well done to you all.

My certificates this week have gone to Heidi Thomas and Sophia Evetts - for trying their best everyday and making their teachers smile. Keep this up. 


Year 3 have been warming up by doing press ups, star jumps and jogging.

Children are learning to play rugby by throwing and bouncing a rugby ball to each other.  They have played in groups of 3 or 4 passing the ball. 

Blog by Kasia and Charley (and Mrs Slate!)

Flying through the air

My goodness me- how the elastic bands flew through the air yesterday in Science! We were experimenting to see if we pulled an elastic band back further whether it would fly a longer distance. We tried to measure the pull force with a Newton Metre but the elastic band would not flick off so we resorted to pulling the band further and further back, six different distances. Look at how well the children did!
