School Blog

Sports Week !

The week started with a skipping session delivered by Anthony!  By the end of the day, amazingly, some children, who couldn't skip before, became confident skippers!  Throughout the week, other sporting activities took place, such as doing the Daily Mile, Short Stop Rounders,  a variety of different Obstacle Courses (thanks to Year 6) and an awesome Karate assembly!  The glorious weather meant we could use the school field too.  A tiring but very enjoyable week for everyone.  Mrs Blomeley

Year 4's Electricity Challenge - Can you light a bulb?

Year 4 enjoyed the challenge of making a simple circuit to light up a bulb in their Science lesson on electricity!  Once they had mastered that, they went on to make the bulbs brighter or dimmer by adding batteries and wires. Well done Year 4!   Ms Blomeley

Sports Week


This week, Year 3 have been taking part in a variety of sporting activities including the daily mile, Zumba, yoga, skipping, rounders and an assault course. We have also been learning and exploring London and the Royal Family as our selected country for the Cricket World Cup is 'England' and it links perfectly to our WWII topic. 


Learning about Cricket

With our sports' coach Nursery children learnt to throw a ball like a cricket player. 

Children said that they would like to play Cricket at home.

Sports' Week

Nursery have been very active doing lots of exercises this week, including running, hopping and skipping.

Rounders Training

The Year 5 and 6 Girls enjoying the break in the weather to hone their bowling, batting and fielding skills. Bring on the competition in a few weeks time. 

Dukinfield Big Sing!

On 12th June Year 4 took part in the Dukinfield Big Sing at Yew Tree School. Together with other local schools they performed a beautiful version of "How Far I'll Go" from Moana which was amazing!  For their own performance, Year 4 chose the classic Queen song "We Will Rock You".  Fabulous singing and awesome air guitar from some of the class  was enjoyed by all!  Well done Year 4 - we are extremely proud of you!  Mrs Blomeley


Money, money and more money!

In Year 2 we've made a great start to our final half term. In Maths we have been exploring more about money. We set up shop in the classroom and role-played being customers in the shop, finding items to buy. We had to add up the amounts, find the correct amount of money and pass it to the shop keepers. Some people even managed to work out the change.

We have been looking at different methods of how to work out change and will go on to explore budgeting spending money on a holiday (linked to our seaside topic). 

Boxing Masterclass

Well, Years 5 and 6 were well and truly put through their paces by Danny and Jack from the Little Rocky's Boxing Team. All the pupls and staff learnt how to jab, punch straight, one-two combo, upper-cut, dodge-and-move, as well as being put through our paces with burpees, bear crawls, a skipping test and even an arm-wrestle!
