School Blog

Science Week - The journey of a bee

It's Science Week and this year we're focusing on journeys through nature. In Year 2 our topic this term is bees and we've been learning all about what they do and why bees are so important! Today, we discussed the journey of the bee. We learnt about how a bee makes its journey to the flower to collect nectar and as it does it transfers pollen from one flower to the next. We decided to do our own pollination and became buzzy bees or beautiful flowers ourselves!

World Book Day!

Year 2 had a wonderful time celebrating World Book Day, dressing up as their favourite characters from their favourite stories. After watching the fantastic assembly where they were told about lots of different books from the children in KS2, they enjoyed a trip to the library where they explored the variety of books available to them in school. In the afternoon they shared their favourite books with each other in 'Show and Tell' before completing activities based on Dr. Seuss' 'Cat in the Hat'. After I shared my favourite book,  'The Sneetches' by Dr.

Exploring Europe

Year 5 are madly researching their European country of choice. They have been llearning so many facts about its population, sites of interest and traditions. Please ask them what they've managed to find out and we look forward to sharing  their brochures with you. 

Happy World Book Day

All of the children look fantastic dressed up in their outfits. We have all had a fun day reading some of our favourite books.

Take Me Out Book Special


Yesterday, was Miss Lewis's World Book Day assembly with a Take Me Out twist. Some children from Year 3, 4 and 5 who are passionate about a book took part in the assembly and had one minute to sell their book to the rest of the school. The rest of the school were the audience and had to join in with the catch phrases and then we got chance to discuss with the people around us which book we thought sounded the best. We then voted for our favourite by making love hearts with our hands. Well done to Freya Sibson in Year 4 who’s book Harry Potter won the Broadbent Fold votes.

World Book Day

Year 1 have loved celebrating World Book Day today! The children came in looking absolutely fabulous and they were so excited to share their wonderful costumes with their peers. We started the day by visiting our school library. The children had the opportunity to explore the books and share them with a friend. We then read one of our 'Top 5' books; Hello, Monster! We have shared lots of stories today using puppets and music and the children have also had the opportunity to participate in a range of World Book Day activities. We have loved focusing on reading for the day!

Shrove Tuesday

Year One have loved celebrating Shrove Tuesday this week! We have used the special day to give us a purpose for writing by ordering and writing instructions for 'How to make pancakes'. Miss Wright then brought pancakes in for us to eat! We added our favourite toppings before diving in and using adjectives to describe how they feel and taste. We used some fantastic vocabulary such as sweet, soft, squishy, delicious and scrumptious!

Author visit Ken Metcalfe


Yesterday, KS2 children had the privilege of meeting and speaking with Author Ken Metcalfe who recently published a new children’s book called 'The Magical of Kernow.' Please click on the link to see the trailer for this fantastic, mysterious book: Children who purchased his book got to meet Ken on a 1-1 and had their book signed. The children were very inspired by Ken and are looking forward to doing some creative writing. 

