School Blog

Tameside Cross Country Championships 2019

29 runners, 6 placed in the top 10 and 2 representing Tameside at the forthcoming Greater Manchester Cross Country Championships - what an amazing morning we all had. Each and every runner wore their Broadbent Fold vest with great pride and showed true grit and character. We are eagerly awaiting the team results to see how we did overall. Mr Connaghan


This week in Gymnastics we have been creating our own balances and exploring counter balances. Over the next few weeks, we will put these into small routines along with the different ways of travelling and rolling. 


Our topic this half term is winter. We are reading lots of wintery fiction and non fiction texts, investigating ice and doing lots of winter arts and crafts.

Progression to Pedals

The children all thoroughly enjoyed our first few progression to pedals sessions with Ross Keeble Outdoors. At week two, several of the children have already progressed to riding a two wheeler bike independently. Well done! 

Indoor Athletics Runners-up

We were fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to compete in the Audenshaw High Cluster Indoor Athletics competition. It comprised of relay races, standing triple and long jump, chest-pass throw, sprinting and speed bounce. A fabulous effort by the 10 pupils involved ensured a runners-up spot, only narrowly beaten by the current Tameside Indoor Champions. All the pupils displayed good sportsmanship and positive attiudes throughout as well as beads of sweat and smiling faces!  

Winter Wonderland Comes to Nursery

Nursery children have a wonderful Winter Wonderland in their classroom where they can explore artic places and animal. Children enjoy reading the Winter themed books and counting snowballs. 

Merry Christmas!

Well, Year 1 have had a wonderful half term. We have had a topic focus of 'Where are the wild things' and we have been learning all about different wild animals and creatures. Throughout the half term, the children have read stories such as 'Wild' and 'The Bog Baby' and together we have discussed beautiful illustrations and settings and focused on creative and imaginative vocabulary. The children particularly enjoyed going on a Bog Baby hunt and solving clues to find him all around school.
