School Blog

Year 5 Production

What an amazing family assembly Year 5 produced on Friday. They were outstanding. They didn't just write some of the script but performed it with loud clear voices, enthusiasm and joy. I was extremely proud. Well done Year 5.

States of Matter!

Year 4 are enjoying their current science topic - States of Matter.  So far they have had discussions about the different properties of solids and liquids and investigated which factors make ice melt, using equipment such as thermometers and rulers to record their findings.  Mrs Blomeley

Christmas around the World!

Year 4 have been busy researching how people celebrate Christmas around the world!  They presented some fantastic, creative projects about different countries and shared their presentations with the class.  We all learnt some interesting and unusual facts from these projects.  For example, on New Year's Day in Iceland, people believe that cows can talk!  In Belgium, if children have been bad, Father Christmas will put them in a sack and send them to Spain!  We were also treated to a presentation about Christmas in Poland from Miss Laitl.  Mrs Blomeley

Spanish with Year 4

Year 4 came to share their stories they had written in Spanish with us. We loved it! They were absolutely fantastic!

Gingerbread Man Creative Theme

For Nursery's Creative them The Gingerbread Man we have listened and acted out the story. Children have made paper craft Gingerbread men, they have enjoyed following the trail of flour to find a Gingerbread man- yum, yum. We have drawn pictures where we thought the Gingerbread might have been. In Maths we have even ordered Gingerbread men numbers.

The Great Fire of London

This half term we have been learning all about The Great Fire of London. We've been reading Samuel Pepys' diary and this week we will be writing our own diary entries. Did you know that the fire was rumoured to have started in a bakery? Next week we will use an old recipe to bake the cakes which may have started The Great Fire of London!

Bog Baby Surprise

Well, what a surprise Year 1 have had this week! We came into the classroom to find a very strange looking creature inside a jar. Miss Wright told us that she recognised the creature, it was from a story called 'The Bog Baby'. We read the story and learnt about two little girls who went fishing in a forest before coming across this strange creature that was as soft as jelly. The story told us of how the girls took the creature home in a jar. They fed him cake crumbs, they took him for walks on a lead and made a lovely home for him in a bucket. But before long, he became sick.

Gingerbread Man

Our new topic is 'The Gingerbread Man'. We have all  followed the recipe and made our own. We had lots of fun adding all of the ingredients and mixing this together. They were so yummy!

Old Chapel Visit

What an amaing visit Year 5 had today when they visited Old Chapel. The children were amazed at the Victorian building and loved finding out about the history of the church. They thoroughly enjoyed going into the pulpit, vestry, balcony and especially having drinks and a biscuit. A big thank you to Mrs Buckle and Mr and Mrs Lowe who showed us around.
