School Blog

Outdoor learning

Nursery learn inside and outside. Children have chance to balance, jump on balancing beams. They are learning to ride balancing bikes.

Welcome to Nursery

We are enjoying reading in our reading area. We are listening to lots of stories and learning to turn pages over. Children have even started to take home a library book to share with their parents. 

up, UP and away!

Welcome to Year 3's class blog. We have lifted off to a flying start after receiving a letter from a pen pal Iza Jayer who lives in the Arctic Circle and needs our help to win a hot air balloon competition to England. We have begun our year 3 journey by getting very messy, designing and creating our own hot air balloons and the children have suggested that we learn to write back to Iza Jayer. In Science we have started our first topic 'Magnets and springs' and this week will be exploring bar magnets.

Feeling tired

We have had a fantastic two days at Rock and River, taking part in a variety of exciting outdoor and adventure activities. We have worked as a team, shown great determination and over come personal challenges and fears along the way. Can we do it?  YES WE CAN!

Rock and River Adventure

pWhat a jam packed evening and morning we have had. Off to do den building, swamp romp and abseiling now. 
