School Blog

FIFA World Cup Week

Wow, what a fantastic week Year One have had! We have really enjoyed being active and learning all about our country for the FIFA World Cup; Nigeria! All week we participated in a range of sports such as orienteering, cross country, Zumba and of course, our playground challenge for Soccer Aid. But not only have our bodies been busy this week, our brains have also been working hard as we spent the week learning all about Nigeria.

World Cup 2018 PE and Geography week

What a busy week we have had! This week, we have taken part in orieteering, completed a fitness circuit, taken part in a whole school dance assembly, the Soccer Aid playground challenge, dressed up in the colours of our country (France) took part in a whole school zumba session, watched a world cup match live and celebrated all our hard work in a celebration assembly singing 'Colors' the 2018 World Cup song and performed a whole school Mexican wave.


This week we have celebrated the FIFA World Cup. Our country was Brazil so we have been learning about the Amazon Rainforest. We've enjoyed lots of different sports and loved seeing so many friends and family at our KS1 Sports day. What a fantastic week it has been!

Sports'Day Superstars

Nursery children showed true sporting skills and values during their first Sports' Day. Everyone had a great time and tried ever so hard even the Dads in the parents' race!


This week is our National Sports week. We have begun everyday with a 10 minute wake up, shake up on the playground lead by our Sports Ambassadors. So far the children the week have taken part in a skipathon, zumba, cross country and sports day.  The children have been exploring France, learning about landmarks and monuments, speaking French, learning about the Tour De France, writing post cads and completed map work. Stay tuned for more 'exerciting' activities...

Sweets & Treats

Year One have had lots of fun designing and making alien biscuits after our very busy week. The children have worked extremely hard this week reading a range of real and nonsense words and to finish the week, we decided to make our own aliens out of biscuits and sweets. The children loved designing silly looking aliens but eating them during Golden Time was definitely the best part! 


Sports week started off with a variety of new vigorous exercise routines. The skipathon definitely warmed up Year 6 on this chilly Summer's morning. 

Nursery School Visit to Reddish Vale Farm

Nursery children have a fantastic time at Reddish Vale farm where there learnt so much about all the animals. They enjoyed feeding carrots to the pigs and goat; they held guinea pigs and rabbits. They even had a picnic lunch and played in the fun park.

El día del español

We have been celebrating Spanish traditions at Broadbentfold this week. In KS1 we explored la tomatina by making our own paper tomato crafts then reinacted the tomato battle out on the field! We cooled down with some sangria before learning the Macarena. Today we have learnt flamenco dancing and made flamenco art inspired by the dance. Enjoy the half term break year 2! 

Spanish fun!

In Nursery we have loved celebrating Spanish week, we have painted the Spanish flag, made maracas and today we have loved tasting some delicious Spanish food.

Happy holidays everyone, HURRA!
