School Blog

Drop Everything and Write Parent Workshop

Nursery enjoyed showing their mark making skills alongside their parents. Doe disco, printing with eggs and creating fabulous colourful decorated eggs as well as sharing the beginning of letter formation. A huge thank you to all the parents and grandparents who came to support us. 

"Marbellous" Marble Run!

What a fantastic time everybody had at our family activity this week!  Staff and children are still talking about the fun they had in their attempts to make the most creative marble run. Quotes fom the childen included "It was a lot of trial and error but worth it in the end!"  "My favourite part was building the different components!"  "I thought today was awesome because everyone worked as a team with a smile."  Mrs Anson, our expert scientist, reported "My group showed great determination and ingenuity.

Nursery being active

Nursery have enjoyed taking part in PE with the sports' coaches and gymnastics. Children have been learning to run, skip, hop and catch. They have been learning to roll  jump on gymnastics mats, hoops and benches. 


We have had a fantastic day at The Bee Centre! The amazing Bee Keepers talked to us about how bees work together to produce honey and live harmoniously in their hives. We tried real honey and explored the bee garden where we planted some spring bulbs. We used our experience to write instructions before going to play on the adventure park. KS1 behaved beautifully all day and we are so proud to hear the Centre praise the children of Broadbent Fold.

World Book Day - Readathon!

We had a fantastic time reading yesterday to celebrate World Book Day!  As always, a great effort was made by the children to dress up as their favourite book characters.  These included Where's Wally?, The Demon Dentist, Gangsta Granny and Horrid Henry together with Alex Rider, Mr Stink and The Astounding Broccoli Boy!  Year 5 loved the opportunity of reading in our transformed, cosy hall with the parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles and lunchtime supervisors who volunteered their time to join us.  The Readathon was a great success!  Thank you everyone!  Mrs Blomeley

Homework Houses - Anglo-Saxon style!

Year 5 have excelled themselves with their latest homework project - to build a model Anglo-Saxon house.  Using the knowledge they have learnt so far about this period in history, every child has recreated a typical dwelling for an ordinary Anglo-Saxon using natural materials.  The results are fantastic; the children (with a little help from their parents!) have clearly enjoyed this task.  Their next step is to create Anglo-Saxon settlements where the houses will be displayed. Mrs Blomeley.

Stars, Solar System and Aliens in Year 5!

To complete their science topic on the Earth and the Solar System,  Year 5 were treated to an informative and exciting presentation from a visitor to the school last week.  Mr Graham Schofield, who is an astronomy expert and enthusiast,  brought along his telescopes for the class to look at.  He also hosted a question and answer session about the mysteries of our Solar System and beyond!  Mr Schofield was extremely impressed by Year 5's knowledge and their sensible enquiries.  They discussed whether there is life on other planets and, if so, what these aliens might look like!  As you will s

World Book Day

Although a little late due to snow, we have had a fabulous day sharing our love of books. Year 2 looked amazing in their costumes and we loved taking part in the Broadbent Fold Readathon!


A little late due to the snow, but we have all enjoyed World Book Day today.

Everyone dressed as their favourite book characters and there has been a 'Readathon' in the school hall.

Volunteer parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and lunchtime supervisors have been reading to all our children all day!

Here are some of Year 6 children's reactions to the 'Readathon'

"It was awesome!"

"I really enjoyed the Readathon.  It was a great chance to show our amazing reading skills.  I would love to do this again!"

Work to Bee proud of

We are enjoying learning all about Bees in year 2. We made our own hives, labelling each part to help us understand how a bee colony works as a team to make honey. We are super proud of our Bee home works which we have put on display around our classroom.
