School Blog

Winter wonderland

Our Nursery classroom has turned into a Winter Wonderland, children have enjoyed play learning in the role play area and reading winter books.

Christmas in Year One

Wow! What a Christmas we have had! Year One have enjoyed participating in all of the festivities here at Broadbent Fold this Christmas. We have made our own party hats ready for our Christmas lunch, had a special visit from one of Santa's elves, written our letters to Santa, shared our top wishes for gifts this year and we even had a surprise visit from Father Christmas himself during our Christmas party! The children have particularly enjoyed rehearsing for and performing their 2017 Key Stage One Nativity! The children did an excellent job and we were all so proud of them!

Merry Christmas!

The countdown to Christmas has been full of excitement in year 2. I was so proud of our wonderful nativity, all the children did an amazing job! During RE week we had a visit from Holy Trinity who told us more about the Christmas Story as well as a visit from Imran who talked about the Muslim faith. We've had Christmas dinner, christmas parties, Christmas crafts... We all definitely deserve a Christmas break! Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year! Love Mrs Neary xx

Merry Christmas

Have a fantatsic Christmas break and a Happy New Year to you all. Stay safe and I look forward to seeing you all in January 2018. From Ms McCoy 

Nativity 2017

I'm sure you will all agree how fabulous the children were in their Nativity this year. We are very proud of them.

Fee Fi Fo Fum

What an absolutely amazing night it was last night. We are extremely proud of all Year 6, they were thoroughly entertaining. Well done!

Christmas Jumper Day!

Nursery looked amazing in their christmas jumpers! We loved having our christmas lunch and pulling crackers. Merry Christmas everyone!

RE Week in Year 5

Year 5 have enjoyed a variety of activites during RE Week.  They were introduced to a new way of telling the Nativity story from our Holy Trinity Church visitors, as well as watching a traditional Nativity play in school, performed by our very talented Nursery and Reception children.  In class,  Year 5 learnt about various religious symbols and looked at examples of stained glass windows.  They went on to design some of their own and had the opportunity to see some beautiful real stained glass windows when they visited The Old Chapel in Dukinfield.  Our visitor Imran taught us the Muslim ri
