School Blog

Our Visit from Imran

Today we had a special visit from Imran who came to speak to us about the Islamic faith. Imran talked to us about being a Muslim and shared with us the five pillars of Islam; belief, prayer, charity, fasting and pilgrimage. After lots of discussion, Imran shared some special items that are linked with his religion. Imran brought a Qur'an to share with us and showed how it is opened in a different way to other books because of the language that the Qur'an is written in.

Our Visitors from Holy Trinity Church

Year One had a wonderful day learning all about the Christian faith with our special visitors from Holy Trinity Church in Stalybridge. Together we talked about the true meaning of Christmas and what Christians believe about the Christmas Story. Our special visitors brought objects to represent the main events from the story and the children impressed with their super knowledge! Then we talked about the different names for Jesus and how Christians believe that he is the light of the world.

RE Creative Week

This week is our Religious Education creative week. We have started out new topic 'What do different people think about God?' We has discuss if God were a flower, the weather, colour, animal, item of clothing and food, what would he be? 'God would be a Lilly flower, because they are beautiful.' By Lucy.D. 'God would be a monkey because they have lot's of energy just like God.' By Maisie.S. 'God would be a pair of slippers because they keep us warm.' By Olivia.S.


During RE Week Year 6 have been examining Christian and Muslim life after death beliefs. We had a visitor of Tuesday from Holy Trinity chursch who shared the Nativity story and a devout Muslim who talked about Zakat (muslim charity) It has been fascinating to discuss the children's ideas and to see them grow in confidence in understanding religious views.

RE week in nursery

Children have learnt about the Nativity story. Our classroom has a nativity small world area where childen have acted out parts of the story. We even have a stained glassed window showing Mary and Joseph and baby Jesus.


We have been reading 'Aliens Love Underpants'. We have designed and made 3D model aliens. We also used the computers to design and draw our own alien.


Our topic this half term is space. The children have loved learning in our space station role play area. They have made some fantastic rockets in our making area and love finding information about space in our reading area.

We have the right to be the best we can be!

We have been learning all about our rights. In year 2 we have learnt article 29 which tells us we have the right to be the best we can be. We have been thinking about the things which make us proud. We are proud of our writing, maths, building, friendships, sports, helping our brothers and sisters and our one handed push-ups! We do things we are proud of every day because we always try to be the best we can be. 

Sssssh! Spies are in Year 5!

Year 5 are enjoying their latest topic - Spies!  So far their missions have included making spy moves in PE, researching real and fictional spies and using a cipher wheel to crack codes.  When a mysterious man delivered a briefcase full of interesting items (which we cannot reveal) Year 5 found themselves suddenly immersed into a real mystery with a problem to solve. Watch this space!  Mrs Blomeley
