School Blog

Our trip to Jodrell Bank

We had an amazing time at Jodrell Bank learning more about our topic of space. We learnt more about the planets through smell, touch and sound and we played in the outside exhibits, using the whispering dishes to see how sound travels. Have a look at our pictures to see what we got up to! 

Potion Commotion

Wow! What an exciting morning Year One have had! We entered the classroom to find some spooky decorations, halloween music, spider's webs and a bubbling couldron! The children explored the classroom and talked about the different things that they could see before discussing as a class what we thought was inside the couldron. The children thought of some fabulous ideas such as witches fingers, frogs legs and even mouldy bread!

Hot Seating and Hopscotching Victorians!

Year 5 have been empathising with Victorian children in different ways lately!  In PE sessions they have been recreating Victorian playground games such as "London Bridge is Falling Down" and Hopscotch!  In class they have been answering questions in their roles as eye-witnesses to a fatal flood down the pit. Their thoughtful answers have helped the class to write some fantastic newspaper reports about the disaster. Great work Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Autumn Walk

Today we have taken some time to learn about Autumn. We watched videos all about Autumn and talked about how and why the leaves on the trees change colour, how the weather changes, how some animals adapt such as hibernation and migration and some special things that happen in Autumn such as Halloween and Bonfire Night. After a class discussion, we decided to go on a walk around school to see if the leaves on the trees had started to change. We found that some of them had started to change colours and some had already fallen from the trees. 

Macmillan Coffee Morning

We loved making crispy cakes for the Macmillan Coffee Morning. They tasted delicious! We raised lots of money too, thank you everyone that donated!

Tea Party for Macmillan

This morning in Nursery we have had a tea party in aid of the school supporting Macmillan. Our cakes were delicious that we made and we had lots of fun eating them!
