School Blog

First Few Weeks

We have had a fantastic first few weeks in Reception. We have all made new friends and enjoyed exploring our new classroom.

Year 5 go back in time!

Year 5's enthusiasm for our Victorian topic is amazing!  So far they have written diaries to empathise with the miserable life of a workhouse child and used "Hot Seating" to question children who have taken on the role of one of these poor characters.  We will be going back in time to the Victorian period when we visit Quarry Bank Mill next month.  There, the children will be invited to work as apprentices, and discover what life was really like for children in those times.   I am looking forward to a great year ahead with Year 5!   Mrs Blomeley

Learning through play

Nursery children have been enjoying learning through play, lots of new learning can take place in our indoor environment.  Our home corner and play dough area provides plenty of opportunity for children to improve their speaking and listening, children count the number of cups, they learn to read the numbers on the pretend cooker.

Welcome new nursery children

Mrs Slate, Miss Spalding and Mrs Watkin have been really impressed by how well the new nursery children have settled into Broadbent Fold Nursery.

We have started learning more about ourselves and painted wonderful pictures of ourselves.

Welcome to year 2

We have had a busy start to the year in year 2, starting with a star hunt around school! We've made planets after learning about the different textures and atmospheres and relaxed with a kS1 Harry Potter Yoga Session. I'm really excited about our learning journey this year.

Sports Clubs Autumn term 1 2017

This half term we have:Tag Rugby every Wednesday 3-4pm open to Year 4, 5 and 6 children. Yoga club every Monday 3-4pm open to Year 1, 2 and 3 children. We have limited space at our after school clubs so chidren are chosen based on a first come first served basis. Thank you for your continued support. Miss Lewis

Flying start!

Welcome to Year 3's class blog. We have lifted off to a flying start after receiving a letter from Iza Jayer who lives in the Arctic Circle and needs our help to win a hot air balloon competition to England. We have begun our journey by designing and creating our own hot air balloons and the children have suggested that we write back to Iza Jayer. In Science we have started our first topic 'Magnets and springs' and this week will be exploring bar magnets. In Maths we have begun partitioning 2 and 3 digit numbers and ordering them.
