School Blog

Final term in Year 3!

Welcome back to our final term in Year 3, we hope you have had a lovely half term! This half term, we are exploring World War 2 and what it was like to be an evacuee. In English, we have begun looking at a diary entry by Anne Frank and exploring some fantastic vocabulary linked to WW2. During this half term, will be writing our own diary in the role of an evacuee, creating persuasive posters and learning about evacuation. In topic, we have begun researching about how and why the war started and making our own gas masks.

Awesome Egyptian Week!

Did you know that the pyramids of Egypt were built at an angle of 52°?  Or that the Egyptians placed human intestines in Canopic jars before they mummified bodies?  Well, thanks to our visitors during Creative Week, we have learnt lots of information about the Ancient Egyptians!  Year 5 spent a busy week creating an Egyptian timeline together with mathematical, Egyptian board games and writing some fabulous stories when they found a cryptic letter from Tutankhamun.  Mrs Blomeley

King Arthur Movie Making in Year 5!

We may have some budding film directors in our midst in Year 5!   They combined their skills in ICT, model making and script writing to create a new tale based around King Arthur.  They found suitable backdrops for their scenes and demonstrated fantastic team work!  Well done Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Anglo Saxon houses and settlements!

After completing their fabulous Anglo Saxon houses for a homework task, Year 5 set about creating three settlements.  These were displayed around school for all to see.  Great team work and lots of history learning took place!   Mrs Blomeley

Egyptain creative week

This week, we have travelled back in time to Ancient Egypt. We have been exploring what life was like to be an Ancient Egyptian through looking at artefacts and research. We have used atlases to locate Egypt and its major cities and learnt about Egyptian culture. We have also been  learning about the River Nile and how it was important to the Ancient Egyptians, exploring mummification and getting creative making our very own Usekh (collar/necklace). In Maths, we have been adding and subtracting in Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and exploring different 3D pyramids.

Egyptian Week

This week has been Egyptian Week. In Year 1 we have been finding out about the pyramids, Tutamkhamen, the Gods and Goddesses, hieroglyphics and looking at Egyptian artefacts. The children have made their own card pyramids and made an Egyptian artefact out of clay. It's been a busy week , learning lots of interesting facts and having lots of fun too. 

Year 5's Sporting Champions!

Year 5's boys and girls had a bumper award Assembly on Friday with lots of sports awards!  The medals, trophies and certificates included Football, Swimming, Gymnastics, Kick Boxing and Rugby.  Year 5 demonstrated how their commitment to sport extends beyond school and we are immensely proud of their achievements!  Well done!  Mrs Blomeley


We've had a really busy half term looking at superheroes. We used measurements in maths to make superhero potions then wrote instructions to create our own superhero power! We created our own super hero capes and helped our superheroes save people on time. Finally, we looked at real life heroes making leaflets about our emergency services. 

Ancient Egypt

What a fantastic week Year 4 have had. They had the opportunity to see and handle Egyptian artefacts, meet Pharoah Amohep and thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Egyptian number system. The children were so enthusiastic about our visitors and thought of lots of historical questions throughout the week. They have continued their excptional ideas and have written Egyptian stories. Don't forrget to check out their work near the library. 

Perfect Punch and Judy Puppet Shows

Today we have performed our amazing puppet shows. The children had to design and make their own Punch or Judy puppet. They had to write a script and perform their show to the rest of the class. We all did a super job and I am very proud of their extra loud voices. Great job Year 1.
