School Blog

Magical seaside adventures!

Today we found magical bubbles which took us to another world! We drew pictures of our magic lands which will help us write our seaside adventure stories this week.

The Tudors

Year 4 have been learning about The Tudor family. Children have enjoyed writing fact files about Henry V111 and his wives.

Year 4 have had a fantastic opportunity to experience life as a Tudor person when we all went to Ordsall Hall. Looking around the Tudor building including the kitchen, bedrooms, dining hall and the gardens, children learnt lots about how Tudor life was very different to today. Children also took part in a role play involving Henry V111 and his wives, can you work out on the photos who was Henry V111 and who got beheaded?

Year 5 Sports Week and Healthy Eating!

Even though the rain meant that Sports Day was postponed, Year 5 enjoyed some different indoor activities during Sports Week:  Zumba in the classroom, Yoga in the Hall and making delicious fruit kebabs following their healthy eating topic!   Mrs Blomeley

Year 5's River Studies Trip!

What a great day Year 5 had on their River Studies trip to Park Bridge!  Even the morning rain didn't spoil their enthusiasm!  The class were able to see for themselves different parts of a river they had been learning about in class.  They saw an example of a meander, a weir and a culvert.  They also found lots of plants around the river and evidence of different types of seed dispersal.  During our afternoon activity IN the river,  the children found some interesting mini-beasts (these can demonstrate just how clean the river is)  as well as timing the speed of the river flow.


 VERY WELL DONE YEAR SIX-YOU HAVE MADE US PROUD. 73% of pupils met the required standard in this year's tests for Reading, Writing and Mathematics. 12% above the national figure of 61%.


Amazing Animals

Today we have had some amazing visitors in our class. Andrew the animal man came into Year 1 with spiders, snakes, gekos, frogs, millipedes and our favourite, a skinnypig. The children got to hold the animals and found out lots of interesting facts about rainforest animals. Andrew also told us all about the layers of the rainforest and the different animals that can be found there. It was a fabulous experience for the children and we would like to thank school for providing the children with this. A super day in Year 1.

National Sports Week 26th June 2017

This week, the children have been busy taking part in our National School Sports week. This year, we have focused on 'getting active' and learnng about 'leading an active and healthy lifestyle'.

The children have participated in a variety of activities including:*The Daily Mile*Yoga*Bench ball or Dodge ball*Cross Country*Aerobics*Zumba and more.

Greater Manchester School Games Rounder Competition

On Thursday 2nd June 2017, a group of Year 4, 5 and 6 children attended the School Games rounders competition at New Charter Aademy. The children came first and went through to the Greater Manchester rounders competition at New Charter Academy on Wednesday 28th June. The children played fantastic and showed determination, passion and fantastic knowledge of the rules of rounders. The children won their group and played a final match to determind 1st or 2nd or 3rd place.
