School Blog

Our New Topic is The Secret Garden

Our new topic for this half term is The secret Garden. We will be focusing on the story, writing character descriptions, using creative writing strategies to write our own fantastic stories about finding a magical garden.

We will also be growing our own plants, learning about parts of a plant and what plants need to grow.

Keep watching our blog to see what exciting things we get up to over the half term.

Year 5's Spanish Assembly and Open Morning!

Year 5 finished off this half term with a fantastic Spanish assembly!  They shared some of the information they've discovered during their "Exploring Europe" topic and showcased their fantastic Spanish speaking skills, thanks to Senora Buckley.  The assembly included singing, Flamenco dancing, Spanish weather reports and famous Spanish people.   Year 5 re-enacted the famous festival 'La Tomatina' which ended with them throwing 'tomatoes' at each other and into the audience!  Great fun!

Computer Wizards!

This half term, following tuition from our computer expert, Miss Truelove, Year 5 have been creating their own maths games to share with some younger children in the school. Siblings and friends took on the challenge to complete the games and gave feedback later.  They even gave ideas for improvement!  Mostly they enjoyed playing the games that had been created for them and Year 5  enjoyed showing off their skills!   Mrs Blomeley

Terrific Scientific!

Year 5 have signed up to take part in an exciting new science project with the BBC called  TERRIFIC SCIENTIFIC!  Over the coming months there will be a series of investigations at schools across the UK - this week was The Super Taste Test!  The results were very interesting - by counting the number of fungiform papillae we discovered that six of the class are Supertasters!  We are looking forward to the next investigation!  Mrs Blomeley


Children in Year 4 have been learning about how to stay safe online. They have designed some e-safety posters as part of their computing lessons. In class we have discussed and given examples of how the internet can be used safely. Children performed their e-safety assembly to the whole school and parents on Tuesday 7th February 2017 which was internet safety day.

SMART has helped us learn how to keep safe online.

Do you know how to be SMART online?


The Amazing Amazon

This half term, we are exploring the Amazing Amazon Rainforest. We have started the term by decorating our classroom with leaves, tree vines and Amazon animals bringing the jungle to Year 3's classroom. In English, we have researched Amazon animals and explored and wrote our own poems in the style of Paul Hess. We have begun reading and exploring 'How the Crocodile got his bumpy back', and How the Rhinoceros got his skin'. Next week, we will begin planning and writing our own 'How the' stories.

Amazing Athletes!


 Well done to all the children who represented Broadbent Fold at the Athletics competition on the 18th January at Fairfield High. What a fantastic team and an amazing result of 2nd place. Wow!

Thank you to eveyone who came along to support the event too, lots of cheering and excitement had by all. 


We had a big surprise when we found out Elsa had frozen all her friends by mistake. We discussed ways to unfreeze them, the children decided to add warm water, salt/de-icer, a warm coat and a warm room. We tried all the different ways to see which would melt the characters the fastest. We found out that the warm water melted the ice the fastest.
