School Blog

Keeping Fit in Year 5 - running the Daily Mile and Parkour!

Last week Year 5 were able to try out a new sport called Parkour!  Everyone enjoyed the activities which included jumping from different heights, balancing on pipes, rolling down slopes and generally keeping moving the whole time!  It was exhausting but so much fun; the coaches said we were all amazing!  We also began the Daily Mile Challenge  - twenty laps of the playground each day!   In just one week we have improved our time and each day we are aiming to beat our personal bests.         Keep up the great work Year 5!  

Every Superhero needs a jet pack!

We have been writing explanation texts to inform a superhero how to use a jet pack that we have designed. We made a 3D model of our jetpacks and tested our explanations with our partners. 


Today we experienced parkour in the hall. We were shown how to land correctly from falls and we used our gymnastics knowledge to climb and jump various objects. We loved it!


Today we experienced a new sport called Parkour! We had to roll down slopes, run and leap over tables, jump from different heights, mini trampoline into the air and land safely, army roll, front and back somersault over platforms and balance on pipes! "It was awesome!" "We had so much fun!"

Hard Work and Determination

The Year 6 pupils are working ever so hard preparing for their Tests that start on Monday 14th May. I am highly impressed by their diligence and perseverence and very proud of them. We know how wonderful the pupils at Broadbent Fold are and it's a credit to them all how they've shown true determination and drive to succeed. Thank you for all the help that they're receiving at home too. Good Luck Year 6 you'll be fabulous.

Learning Leaders teach teeth!

Following the fascinating find of a sheep's skull during the Easter holidays, some children from Year 5 shared this amazing example with Year 3 to support their learning on teeth  The Year 5 Learning Leaders asked questions to their younger school friends who were able to inspect (first hand) a real example of molars that belonged to this plant eating herbivore. Great job!  Mrs Blomeley

Kensuke's Kingdom - Year 5's dilemma!

A mysterious parcel arrived containing, amongst other things, a faded football, a variety of shells and pebbles, a cryptic message in a bottle and a letter from “Michael” asking for advice.  Year 5 have already discovered that the story is none other than Michael Morpurgo’s Kensuke’s Kingdom and they are waiting for the story to unfold to identify the contents of the box  .....   Mrs Blomeley

Fairy Garden

Children have brought in items from home and we have put them into our outside area to create a fairy garden.

Superhero potions

In maths we have been learning about measurement. We have been measuring out different amounts of potions including potions to make us invisible, kind, strong and courageous. We have mixed new potions by adding amounts together.

Garden Centre

Spring has come and nursery have a role play garden centre where they pretend to buy flowers and plants. Children will be planting seeds and learning about how seeds grow. 
