School Blog

Hola, Hola, HOLA!

Hola! What a busy two days we have had singing, dancing, speaking and learning all about Spanish culture! We have learnt about Spanish festivals, designed posters about the festival San Fermin, decorated Spanish costumes, learnt how to dance the Flamenco, made fans, decorated cakes and played some Spanish games.

Smoothie Makers in Year 5!

When our new caterers, Mellors, asked for volunteers to make smoothies, Year 5 jumped at the chance!  Everyone had a go on the Smoothie Bicycle to create delicious fruit smoothies; they also enjoyed sampling them afterwards!   Mrs Blomeley  

Fabulous Friday - Flying Kites !

To celebrate the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Year 5 made kites in class.  The real fun though was getting to fly them on the field with the rest of the school! What a fantastic time we all had!

Royal Wedding Celebrations

To celebrate the Royal Wedding Nursery and Reception decorated Union Jack Flags in red, white and blue. They counted Royal objects and coloured Royal pictures. On Friday, children really enjoyed dressing up and attending a tea party.

Music Mayhem

What a fabulous afternoon we had when Tameside Music Services came in. We were able to listen to, play and learn a multitude of brass and wind instruments. 

Smoothie Bicycle

Today, Mellor's (our caterer), let us ride their smoothie making bicycle. We got to taste the smoothie, it was delicious! Yogurt, fresh fruit or smoothies are served daily when you sign up for school dinners.

Daily Mile Challenge

Year One are having lots of fun completing our Daily Mile Challenge! Everyday we have been very excited to go out onto the field and complete our 12 laps and it has even sparked some healthy lifestyle conversations in the classroom. The children have enjoyed it so much that in Science, the children created their own healthy plates. 
