School Blog

Miss Stokes' favourite children's book

My favourite children's book is called 'The Sneetches and Other Stories' by Dr. Seuss. It was published a long time ago in 1953 but it's still so wonderful! The stories are basically funny poems that are so entertaining and have a great rhythm to them. Dr Seuss would often create his own words and use them in his stories which adds to the humour. The book has four stories in but my favourite is 'The Sneetches'. It has a very important message underneath all the silliness about diversity and being kind to people who are different to you.

Our Favourite Books

Mrs Slate, Miss Spalding and Mrs Bardsley choice their favourite book and share it with Nursery children.

What is your favourite book?

We would love to hear all about your favourite book.

Mrs Blomeley's favourite children's books!

When I was a child my favourite author was Enid Blyton and, in particular, I loved to read her Famous Five books.  My sister and I created a "library" in our shed with a bookcase full of Enid Blyton's books, including the Malory Towers series, the Secret Seven and many more.  How I loved to escape into the world of adventure, wishing that I could be part of a secret group or even attend a boarding school!  It sounded such fun!  Enid Blyton certainly inspired my love of reading, mystery and adventure.  She was one of the most successful children's storytellers of the 20th c

It's A Mystery!

Year 4 are enjoying our current topic - It's a Mystery!  Our journey began when we used torches in our darkened classroom to recreate the conditions of a dark cellar and the discovery of a set of long forgotten images that had been left with a publisher; all with a title and a suggestive caption.   The Mysteries of Harris Burdick is a fascinating and unusual book which is providing endlesss opportunities for creative writing.  The children are also intrigued by our investigations into unexplained phenomena such as The Bermuda Triangle and the Loch Ness Monster.  Mrs Blomeley


MR MEN and LITTLE MISS books are my favourite childrens books. They are short, funny, simple and colourful books that any aged child can enjoy. These books are written by Roger Hargreaves. Did you know? MR TICKLE sold a million copies in the first 3 years of being published! Thats a lot of tickles and laughter! I would love to know if you have read any of the MR MEN or LITTLE MISS books and which one is your favourite. These books can also be bought for as little as 10p each online. 

Chinese food

This morning in our chinese restaurant we have enjoyed tasting chinese food. We ate and tried spring rolls, rice, prawn crackers and spring rolls. It was delicious.





¡Policia Policia!


In Year 2 we have been really enjoying our spanish lessons with Señora Buckley.

We love playing the game ¡Policia Policia! where we have to ask and answer questions in spanish. We've been learning how to ask someone what their name and age is as well as how they're feeling. We've also been learning a whole range of responses from "Fatal" to "Fantastico!"


We've also been learning to count up in our 10's with a special rapping song. We even did a boys VS girls rap battle!

What great fun learning another language can be!


Nursery's Chinese Restaurant

How exciting Nursery's role play area has turned into a Chinese Restaurant. Children can phone up and book a table, they can be a waiter/waitress or a customer and order food from a menu. 


Winter Maths Workshop

We enjoyed our wonderful winter Maths themed workshop. A huge thank you to our parents and grandparents who came and did Maths activities with their children.
