School Blog

Creating superheroes

In Year 2 we've been exploring our topic superheroes out in the sunshine! We got into groups and found what we could to create our own superhero, deciding what power they would have and what they would be called. Back in the classroom we used this as inspiration to write a description of our superhero in our writing books.

Fossil Preparation

Our topic for this half term is 'Think Big' and we have been learning all about dinosaurs. Whilst researching about dinosaurs, we came across a lady called Mary Anning. We have learnt all about Mary and how she is a famous fossil hunter who lived over 200 years ago. We decided that we wanted to have a go at being paleontologists so we used cookies to practise preparing fossils! We used different tools such as glue spreaders, lollipop sticks and paint brushes to chip the biscuit away from the chocolate chips.

A trip to Bury Fire Safety Centre

We had such a wonderful time visiting the Greater Manchester Training and Safety Centre in Bury. In class we have been learning all about superheroes and firefighters are real life superheroes who put their lives at risk to help us every day.


Nursery have thoroughly enjoyed learning about mini-beasts, they learnt that mini-beasts don't have any bones. They learnt what mini-beasts eat and even the colour of their poo!!

They looked at a giant African snail called Miss Honey, a spider called Sprinderella who had 8 legs and 8 eyes.

Who can remember which animal was called Mr Tickle? 

Superhero potions

This term our topic in Year 2 is Superheroes! We are learning about real life superheroes like Florence Nightingale as well as nurses, firefighters, doctors and people who make a difference today. 

Caterpillar maths

Nursery made their own caterpillars describing how they made them, talking about the shapes and measuring how long the caterpillars were using cubes.

The force to mountaineer!

Year 5 are starting the summer term off with the new topics of Rivers and Mountains and Forces. We are looking forward to investigating and discovering all the aspects of Mountains and Rivers and the relavent Forces that are present. What an exciting half term it will be.

Progression to Pedals

We have now finished our Progression to Pedals sessions with Ross and James. The children have all been amazing, I am so proud of them! 93% of the class are now independently riding a two wheeler bike, at the start just 18% of them could do it.

Thank you Ross and James, we have loved it!
