School Blog

Grammar time!

We've been learning all about contractions this week! We went on a contraction hunt and discussed how to use the apostrophe to shorten words like 'should not' to 'shouldn't' and 'I will' to 'I'll'. We're looking forward to trying to use these in our writing.

We've also been enjoying singing our grammar song. Have you heard it? If you've not ask your child and they might sing it to you! It's all about nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs. They sing it beautifully!


Vincent Van Gogh

To start off our new topic, 'How does your garden grow?', we read a story called Camille and the Sunflowers. The story was all about a little boy who had the most wonderful time watching and admiring an artist named Vincent. Together, we did a little research about Vincent and found out that he is a very famous artist! 

Polar Regions Topic

Year 1 are so sad to come to the end of their topic; Polar Regions. What a wonderful time we have had learning about the Arctic and Antarctica! During this half term, we have learnt about the extreme weather in the polar regions, the people and animals who live there, how they survive and what we can do to help to keep their home in the Polar Regions. 

Creature Creations!

What fun Year 4 had creating some newly discovered creatures!  After learning about unexplained creatures, such as the Loch Ness Monster and the Yeti, we decided to create our own mysterious animals.  Ranging from fish to reptiles, some even a mixture of two animal types, Year 4 designed their models and planned how to make them.  They then spent a whole morning cutting, sticking and painting them.  Here are some of the results!  It was a great end to our "It's A Mystery" topic - fantastic work which was enjoyed by everyone!  Mrs Blomeley

Little Red Riding Hood

Our Nursery's new theme is The Little Red Riding Hood. Children have a cottage as a role play area and they enjoy pretending to be Little Red Riding Hood.

Chinese New Year

We had a fantastic time celebrating Chinese New Year! We had a banquet in our Chinese Restaurant and made some wonderful Chinese dragons.

Ice Investigation

Following an urgent letter from Queen Elsa we immediately started discussing the best way to release the characters from the ice. The children had lots of different ideas. We decided to put one in a warm room, one in warm water, one in cold water and one wrapped in a warm cardigan. We watched and waited to see which one melted first.

Spy Day!

We are having a Top Secret time in Year 5!  Today is Spy Day and every child has come dressed as a spy! We are so proud of the children, as they have spent lots of time planning and designing their Gadgets and this morning have enjoyed actually making them!  Thanks to all the grown-ups at home for joining in with the fun and helping to find some of the resources, ready for today, we really appreciate it and your children have had a great time making their fantastic Gadgets!

Miss Wright's favourite children's book

When I sat down to think of my favourite children's book, I could think of no other than the charming and magical story of 'The Bog Baby' by Jeanne Willis. I discovered this story whilst visiting my favourite children's book store as I went to search for new and wonderful stories to share with my class. The bright and colourful illustrations are what attracted me to this book first of all, not to mention the interesting creature plonked in the middle of the front cover! As I turned the pages, the wonderful illustrations, creative vocabulary and delightful story line just inspired me.

Ms McCoy's Favourite Childhood Book

When I was growing up many moons ago, I used to love to read adventure stories. My most favourite of those was I am David by Anne Holm. I think the story was so special to me because I received it as an award from school and as soon as I opened it, I was captivated by the adventure. I've even dug the book out of my bookcase so that my children's can enjoy it too. A fabulous read that it still avaible to buy today from any book sellers and if I remember rightly, it's even been made into a film. 
