School Blog

Amazing Anglo Saxons

What a fantastic start to our final term in Y5 we've had with the start of our Anglo Saxon topic. Look out for our newsletter where you'll be able to read all about the fabulous things we'll be learning. Ask your child about their scale drawings of an Anglo Saxon village; about their Anglo Saxon quest story and their map skills related to the Anglo Saxon invasions of the British Isles. 

Year 4 Go Bananas!

Year 4 used an unusual resource in one of their Geography lessons recently to discover more information about countries in the Caribbean - Banana Boxes!  They learnt about the journey of bananas, from being picked at the plantation to the fruit being refrigerated and exported by ships to Britain, finally ending up in our supermarkets!  Next time you're in the supermarket check the boxes to discover where your bananas were grown!   Great learning Year 4!  Mrs Blomeley

Caribbean Cocktails!

Year 4 had great fun designing and making fruity, healthy cocktails as part of their "Kidnap in the Caribbean" topic!  They used a variety of tropical fruits including pineapple, mango and kiwi fruits.  Some children were adventurous and tasted some of these for the first time! The best part was when they were able to enjoy their fruity drinks after all their hard work!  Cheers Year 4!  Mrs Blomeley

Terrific Tudors!

Year 4 really enjoyed their topic on the Tudors.  When they were set a homework task to make a Tudor style house, the results were amazing!  You can see some of these fantastic models in the school entrance, as well as a variety of portraits of important Tudor people.   Mrs Blomeley

The Seaside

We do like the be beside the seaside!

The Summer 2 theme for Nursery is The Seaside where children will have their fabulous role play area to pretend they are cooking on the bbq and playing on the beach with their friends.

Under the sea will enhance children's learning of sea creatures that live near the sea.

We look forward to hearing all about Nursery children's holiday experiences when we share their home school books.

Teleporter man

We've been doing some songwriting in Year 2! Based on our topic of superheroes we made a superhero song. We all came up with lots of different ideas and words that rhyme then wrote a song all about 'Teleporter Man'. We even performed the song outside on the field to Year 1 who were very impressed. 

Fossil Making

As an exciting way of finishing off our topic of 'Think Big' we decided to make our own fossils. The children mixed the saltdough ingredients before kneeding their dough to the perfect consistency. The children then used a range of different dinosaurs to imprint onto their dough before we baked them in the oven to create our own fossils! It was great to hear the children using all of the new vocabulary they have learnt this half term as they completed the topic. Well done for all of your hard work during Summer 1 Year 1! 
