School Blog

Coming to the end of the year...

What a jam packed year we have had exploring our topics Flying High, A Night on Bare Mountain, The Amazon Rainforest, The Stone Age, Canada and World War Two. I want to say a massive Thank You to you all for your continued support this year and I wish the children the best of luck as the move into Year 4. Remember 'I can't do iit YET!'Miss Lewis

Nursery Friendships

Nursery enjoying playing with their friends. Their social skills and communication skills have improved so much this year. Our fabulous learning environment provides opportunities to develop children's confidence and speaking skills.


Stockport Air Raid Shelter

On Tuesday 9th July, we had a fantatsic day and went back in time to Stockport Air Raid Shelters, to experience life as an evacuee during World War Two. We dressed up in our evacuee outfits and were met in Stockport by Mrs Grundy and a warden. Throughout the day, we sang WWII songs, tried on gas masks, explored artefacts and tried on clothing, visited the shelters and much more. In the Air Raid Shelters, we walked around all the different tunnels, and explored the male and female toilets, the first aid room, the nursing area, the kitchen, the prison and the beds.

Sports Day

Wow, what a super afternoon KS1 have had! We have participated in our Sports Day today and had the most fun, all whilst managing to escape the rain! All of us joined in with lots of races including running, hurdles and even an obstacle course. All of the children showed their super attitudes towards sports by following the school's sports qualities; honesty, determination, self-belief, respect and teamwork. Well done Key Stage One!

Maraca Making

As part of our Sport's Week, each class has been assigned a country to follow in the Cricket World Cup. In Year 1, we have been following and learning about the West Indies. As part of our learning about the Caribbean countries, we explored different musical instruments and decided to make our own Caribbean maracas. We designed a band for our instrument using a range of shapes, colours and patterns before sticking it onto our bottle and filling with a range of materials to make a variety of sounds.

Our Cracking Time at Crocky Trail

What a fantastic time we have had on our school trip to Crocky Trail! We took risks, supported and encouraged one another, tried new things and showed resilience throughout the whole day. The children had so much fun exploring the trail and being adventurous on the rides and their behaviour was incredible. Here are some photographs of our exciting day... 

Skipping Day

All the children from Nursery through to Year 6 had the pleasure of Anthony the Skipping Coach showing us how to skip properly. What was an amazing day concluded with an assembly and the school has also purchased class size packs of skipping ropes so we can continue to be active and master our skipping skills. 

Punch and Judy

In Year 2 this week we've been learning about Punch and Judy. This used to be a traditional seaside entertainment. We got into groups and performed our own versions to the rest of the class. Then the next day we wrote out our own scripts in our English books.
