School Blog

Birdman experience

On Tuesday 5th November we had a visit from the 'Birdman' Alan Ames. He brought in some amazing birds of prey and told us lots of interesting facts about how each one has adapted to be the perfect predator. 

Challenge Me

Year 3 were amazing at the 6 minute Challenge Me skipping activity. I was highly impressed by their perseverence. 

Pupil Questionnaires

Our pupils have completed their own questionnaire about life at Broadbent Fold. Please see the pupil section of the website, for the full details. The results are very positive and show that pupils are happy and feel safe. The two areas of focus for us are:

  • Ensuring they feel challenged.
  • That behaviour of other pupils improves. 

I am meeting with our pupil leadership team to discuss these issues and look at developments with pupil support. I shall keep you all informed. 

MATHS WEEK ENGLAND! Maths in the Workplace!

Year 4 welcomed another visitor to the classroom last week to talk about Maths in the Workplace!  The children enjoyed Mr Kay's presentation which highlighted all of the different ways he uses Maths in his job, and how important it isto learn Maths in school.  Many of the children had discussed Maths in the Workplace with their families and they confidently shared their knowledge with their peers.  They highlighted how Maths is important to a wide range of jobs such as electricians, policemen, teachers, podiatrists and farriers!  Thank you everyone!  Mrs Blomeley

Football Champions

Thank you to our year 6 football stars! We attended an event today at the Etihad and we truly displayed huge amounts of passion and teamwork. I was bursting with pride. Well done to you all and especially to Captain Riley, your leadership skills shone through! 

Maths in the Workplace

On Friday morning, year 5 were lucky enough to have a special guest come in and talk to the children all about the importance of maths and how it will be useful to them in the future. 

A lady from HMRC was talking to children all about her job and the importance of taxes, who pays taxes and what the money is used for. She went over the importance of percentages.

They learnt a lot about maths in the workplace and many children were able to tell us how their parents use maths in their jobs.


During Maths Week England, each child from every class produced a piece of Maths related artwork.  The children really enjoyed being creative with Maths and the results were fantastic! On Thursday, the Hall was transformed into an Art Gallery for the children to visit. A selection of work was exhibited from each class which included shape garlands, shape rockets, symmetrical patterns, arrays, tessellations, optical illusions and geometric designs.  There were some interesting conversations in the "Gallery" where the children discussed their favourite works of art! 

MATHS WEEK ENGLAND! - Maths in the Workplace!

Year 4 had a great start to Maths Week England with a visitor to discuss Maths in the Workplace!  Jackie, who is an accountant, discussed how she uses many different aspects of Maths in her job such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals and percentages!  In child friendly language, Jackie compared budgets to pocket money and included time zones and currency when she talked about the Charity she works for that helps underdeveloped countries around the world.  Jackie ended her visit by showing the children many of the artefacts she has purchased from differen
