School Blog

Cross Country Grand Prix

Well done to all the pupils and parents who braved the cold on Saturday for the Cross Country Grand Prix. A special well done to Niamh, Boyd, Liam and Oliver for coming in the top 10 in their races.

Year 5-6 Girls Football

Well done to the Year 5-6 girls footballers who had an amazing tournament winning 2 of their 3 games. A special well done to Holly who got the respect school games badge.

Icy Walks

Year 3 went on a winter walk to help inspire their writing. They could feel the ice under their feet, the frozen air on their faces and the icy burn of the frost on their fingers. 

Junior PCSO Tamside Staying Safe

What an enjoyable week we had last week working alongside our two Tameside's PSCO Officers. As part of our participation in the Tameside Staying Safe - Road Safety Arts Award, the children were able to take part in a hands on experience looking at road safety around traffic, during drop off and pick up times at school. Well done guys, you did a fab job! 


Today we continued our work the 'Sam' on our Arts Award and the children learnt how to do the running and back stitch. The children loved practicing their sewing skills. 

Challenge Me Skipping Event

On Monday, the whole school participated in a challenge me skipping event to help improve our stamina. EYFS pupils had to jump for 2 minutes, KS1 pupils had to skip for 4 minutes and KS2 pupils had to skip for 6 minutes. 

Maths Array Cities

Year 3 made Array Cities using their multiplication knowledge for example 5 X 7 would be a tower block with 5 windows wide and 7 high.

5 X 7 which equals 35 so 35 windows on the tower block.

Their cities look great and can be used to teach others about multiplying.

Maths Week

Year 6 enjoyed taking part in our 'Maths in the workplace' themed week. We created geometric patterns as part of our ongoing RE work. This was displayed in a presentation in the hall with other examples from the rest of the school. We had parent visitors in during the week sharing how they use maths in their careers. We have focused on budgeting skills thinking about how we can get the best deals as a business person. 
