School Blog

PJ Party

Today we had a PJ party to celebrate all the class compliments that we have earned so far this year. We watched Happy Feet, played games and got to eat popcorn!

A Big Thank You

A massive thank you to the PTFA for funding our new reading book Stig of the Dump by Clive King...we're loving it!

Cross Country Tameside Championships

On Saturday, lots of children and their parents braved the cold for the Primary Cross Country Championships. All the children ran amazingly and did Broadbent Fold proud. A special congratulations to Oliver and Liam in Year 6 who have been selected to represent Tameside in the Greater Manchester Cross Country Championships this Saturday. 

Stone Age

Year 3 children have been really enthused by their Stone Age topic and have produced some fabulous creative homework which they confidently shared with the class.

Cross-Country Runners

Well done to all our pupils who took part in the cross country running competition. With a special mention to Albert Williams who ran in the older boys race and didn't start until some were half way round the first lap and he still managed to over take quite a few people. Great job! Also to our year 6 boys, Liam and Oliver who have both received letters about representing Tameside in the Greater Manchester Cross Country Race next Saturday. Quite an achievement - well done. We wish Liam and Oliver lots of luck. 

Year 5 and 6 Athletics Competition

Year 5 and 6 had an indoor athletics competition on Wednesday night. They all worked really well as a team and managed to achieve 5th place. Aiden also recieved the school games badge for honesty. 

Challenge Me Hula Hooping Event

Last week, the whole school took part in the Challenge Me Hula Hooping event. EYFS had to hula hoop for 2 minutes, KS1 for 4 minutes and KS2 for 6 minutes without stopping! This was to try to improve our stamina. We had lots of fun and all got stickers for taking part.

Visit from Larry the Tortoise

As our topic this half term is dinosaurs, we were talking about how tortoises are one of the closed related animals to dinosaurs. Hollie and her Dad kindly offered to bring their pet tortoise Larry intos school and we all got the opportunity to clean, feed and hold him.

Fish Keeper Fry

Week 1 is complete and we are exceptionally proud of our fish tank. The pupils have been really careful and sensible with the tank and setting it up and are really looking forward to next week's activities.


Could you be a Stone Age child?

Year 3 are learning all about how the Stone Age used to live. Children have designed and made clay pots or necklaces. They have used charcoal and chalk to create cave pictures.

As part of their English children have researched, taken notes and wrote non-chronological reports. In Maths children have learnt the symbols used for early counting.

Now do Year 3 have the skills to be A Stone Age child?
