Class Blog

Year 1 2024-2025 Blog

Tameside Libraries half term events May-June 2022

Join Ashton Library this half term for a drop-in activity with crafts, games and a treasure hunt with a nature-theme for children aged 4-11- no need to book! 

They will be family workshops available in association with 'Made be mortals theatre company' at Dukinfield Library.

Storyteller John Kirk will be visiting Droylsden Library for a special in person story hunt with a minibeasts theme.

These events are FREE but must be booked in advance via Tameside Libraries Events | Eventbrite

Forest school in the rain

The rain did not dampen the spirits of the children in Year 1.  They have been making super fairy and pixie houses, looking after blue Alder Beetles and balancing on the slack line.  They also enjoyed playing 123 Where are you?.  I was really impressed by their teamworking skills.



Year 6 Arts Award

Today we celebrated our Arts Award achievement. Our year 6 pupils received their Arts Award certificate linked to working with an artist in school around the topic of ‘Keen to be Green’. Where we had a focus on our environment and clean air.

How to help children deal with loneliness - Mental Health Awareness Week 2022


“An emotion is like a fish in a pond that can take over at any time.” (Primary school child)

The Mental Health Foundation hosted the first Mental Health Awareness Week 21 years ago – a key moment for people and organisations across the UK to reflect on the importance of mental health and wellbeing.This year, the theme is loneliness.

Stars of the week 29th April

Year 1 have made a great start back after the Easter holidays. 

Scarlett earned the headteachers award for asking fantastic questions in our Geography lessons and Hollie got hers for putting 100% into her reading/phonics work. 

Reeva and Elwin won the good to be green pencils for being brilliant role models around school.

Scarlett got her gold award and Alfie, Alice and Ella got their silver awards for receiving lots of star points.

Keep up the hard work Year 1!

Summer 1 Home Learning Menu

Here is the home learning menu for this half term linked to our topic Hot or Cold? 

Remember you can earn certificates for all your hard work with your home learning - Gold award = all 8 pieces of homework completed. Silver award = 6 pieces of homework completed, Bronze award = 4 pieces of homework completed

I cannot wait to see all the exciting things you produce. Don't forget to bring your homework into school or upload it to Seesaw.

Hot or Cold?

Our topic in Summer 1 is called Hot or Cold? We will be learning all about the differences between hot and cold countries and will be looking at where they are on a globe. There are lots of exciting things to look forward to including a video call with a South Pole explorer. For more information about everything we are covering this half term, see the topic web attached. 

Science Challenge: what could this be?

I would like you to use your scientific observational skills to look at the image. What could it be? What does it make you think of? 

Can you describe the colours, textures and shapes that you can see? 

If you think you can guess what the image may be please come and let me know or tell your class teacher. 

I will the reveal the answer soon in an assembly...

Miss Harvey

Handwriting Awards Spring 2 2022

We are really impressed with our Handwriting Award winners this term. These children have shown overall great handwriting and presentation or a real improvment in their handwriting recently.

Our winners are: Meghan in Nursery, __ in Reception, __ in Year 1, Amelia in Y2, Flynn in Y3, James in Y4, Alfie in Y5 and Sophie in Y6.

Please have a look at their fantastic work which is proudly displayed at the entrance to school. 
