Class Blog

Year 1 2024-2025 Blog

Stars of the week 12th November

Year 1 have had another fantastic week. 

Theo has impressed us with his Maths skills on shapes this week and Cooper has impressed us in assembly with both pupils getting the headteachers award. 

Well done to Bella and Luke for staying on green all week and being fantastic role models.

Marshall got the PE trophy for getting changed independently and joining in with all of the football activities inop our PE lessons. 

A final well done to all those children who have got 50 star points and recieved their bronze award. 

Remembrance Sunday

On Sunday Xavier represented our school and lay our Broadbent Fold wreath alongside Mr Moon our governor. Thank you both, we are very proud. 

Be Kind Online!

This week is anti- bullying week.

Children as part of their e-safety learning will discuss how to be kind online.

Think about what would you do if someone was being unkind to you or your friend? (This could be online or in person)

Share the ideas of how to be kind with your teacher and friends. At home share how to keep safe online.

Remember be kind.

Remembrance Day

Year 1 have been learning all about Remembrance Day and why we wear poppies. We used collage skills to create our own poppy pictures.

Bonfire Night

We had lots of fun learning about why we celebrate Bonfire Night and all about Guy Fawkes. We used oil pastels to make firework pictures and made delicious chocolate apples. 

Stars of the Week 5th November

Year 1 have had a great first week back after the holidays and have all being working really hard. 

Alice headteachers award for putting 100% into everything that she does and Matilda got hers for really impressing us with her reading skills. 

Well done to those children who stayed on green all week and got their good to be green pencils. 

Also a big well done to everyone who got their walk to school badge for walking to school at least 1 day per week.

Very Proud

What a shining beacon and a brilliant example of excellence Ellis is in Year 4. In his own time he raised £446 for the Alzhemer's Society. He completed a memory walk in aid of his grandad Jeff. We are all very proud of you Ellis- well done. 

Home learning menu Autumn 2

Attached is the home learning menu for Autumn 2 with lots of activities to complete linked to what we will be learning in school. Please upload any work you complete to Seesaw or bring it into school so we can see all the amazing things you are doing. Remember you can earn a gold award for completing all the home learning activities, a silver award for completing 6 activities or a bronze award for completing 4 activities. I cannot wait to see everything that you do!

Would a dragon be a good friend?

In Autumn 2, Year 1's topic is called 'Would a dragon be a good friend?' where they get to learn all about castles, dragons and Kings and Queens. There are lots of exciting things to look forward to including a mysterious golden egg found in the classroom CCTV footage of a dragon in the classroom and of course a visit from Santa's naughty elf Erol in the lead up to Christmas. We will also be very busy practising our Christmas Nativity. Click see more to see all the fun things we will be  doing over the half term.

Numbers in Real Life! Thank You!

A HUGE THANK YOU to those people who sent in photographs for our "Numbers in Real Life" display!  We received some amazing photographs from all around the country, proving that numbers are absolutely everywhere around us!  Here are just a few of the photographs we received.  Thank you again.  Mrs Blomeley
