Class Blog

Year 2 2024-2025 Blog

First Aid workshop

Today, Year 2 took part in a first aid workshop. The children learnt how to deal with small and large cuts, bumped heads, unconscious people, how to deal with an emergency at home, alone and out and about. They also learnt how to talk to emergency services and how to use telephones/mobiles. They were fantastic at taking part asking and answering questions and the participating in role play. Brilliant morning! Well done everybody. 

Amazing awards

Well done everybody for such a hard working, busy week! Well done to those children who received this weeks Head-Teacher, Good to be Green and our PE award this week! Keep up the excellent work everybody!

Making Fantastic Bird Feeders

This week Year 2 have been making some fantastic bird feeders to encourage the birds to come to our school grounds ready for the Big Schools' Bird Watch. 

Column addition

Today we used base 10 to support our learning of adding 2 digit numbers using the column addition method. We started doing additions without crossing the tens and then when we were confident and secure, we began doing additions crossing the tens. When are ones column totalled more than ten we exchanged ten of our ones for a tens stick and carried it over into our tens column. Well done everybody! 

Marvellous Maths

This week in our mastering number session we are understanding the composition of odd and even numbers. The focus will be the conecpt that even numbers are composed of 2's and odd numbers contain 2's but have an extra one. We will relate this to familiar experiences of objects that come in 'pairs'. 
