Class Blog

Year 3 Blog

Mathletics superstars!

Marvellous Mathletics by Year 3 children especially to our GOLD award winner- the first child to achieve a gold certificate in the whole school!


Well done to these children who were awarded a head teachers award, a good to be Green pencil and a swimming badge! Year 3 also won the sports trophy for this week! Take a look at our sports leaders holding the trophy for the class. 

Planting new vegetable seeds

In Gardening Club we have sown some seeds ready for the spring. We are looking forward to tasting our coriander, radishes and sprouts. Next week we will plant some more vegetables to make some vegetable soup. 

Handwriting Awards Autumn 2 2023

Well done to our Autumn 2 handwriting winners! You have been awarded with your handwritng pencil and certificate for your amazing, neat presentation or for great effort and improvement in your handwriting.

Our winners are: Nursery- Florence, Reception- Artem, Y1- Meghan, Y2- Hallie, Y3- Eva, Y4- Jorge, Y5- Aubrey, Y6- Isobel

All of their wonderful handwriting has been proudly displayed outside Mrs Parker's room. 


Well done to these children who received a good to be Green pencil, head teacher awards and a handwriting award! 
