Class Blog

Year 3 Blog

Rugby Year 3

Year 3 enjoyed playing games that improved their rugby skills, passing and catching a rugby ball is not easy but with a positive mindset they've learnt they can improve.

Year 3 Spring 2 term

Year 3 Spring 2 information is attached.

An exicitng time ahead, learning all about the counties that The Iron Man may visit.

Reading this fantastic story which will improve Year 3's fluency in reading. We will also be doing Art and Design Technology lessons based on The Iron Man.

In this term also there will be a science week with loads of fun activities.

We will meet our Schools' Linking Project school- Lum Head Primary School.

House Team Winners

A huge congratulations to Team Sapphire, who have won the House Cup and will recieve non-uniform day on Friday 23rd February. The team scored a huge 853 points! Well done. 

Design an England shirt winners

As part of Schools Football Week, pupils were tasked with designing their own England top. The Sports Council were tasked with the hard job of choosing the winning entries. We had over 100 entries so well done to those pupils who won!!

Year 1 - Vanessa 

Year 2- Emmie

Year 3 - Bella

Year 4 - Kai and Jorge

Year 5 - Isla and Lottie

Year 6 - Isobel

Science at Rayner Stephens

Today, Year 3 visited Rayner Stephens for a Science lesson all about forces.

Children listened ever so well and enjoyed taking part in a range of investigations all linked to forces. 

