Class Blog

Year 3 Blog

Well done Abigail

Yet again, Abigail has been working really hard - how impressive- 2 weeks on the trot we've had photos of her work. Keep up all the hard work Abi. Well done. 

Lexi's Amazing Work

Look at how hard Lexi has been working at home. What a fantatsic message with the Stay Safe poster too. You should be very proud of yourself. 

Stay Active

Here is a skipping challenge for today. How many skips can you do in 60 seconds? Will you achieve a bronze, silver or gold medal? 

Home School Learning

We are delighted to see Boyd learning at home, he has enjoyed learning about the different countries in the world. Boyd has also drawn his own times table square on his wall, fantastic home school learning, well done.

Sam's Spectacular Work

How fantatsic is Sam's work. He's obviously been working exceptionally hard with what he's produced. Have a read of his poem- Mum is Kind! What a brilliant message to all mums (and dads of course) 

Computing during Home School Learning

This year children in school will have already improved their coding skills especially using hour of coding resources.

To improve these skills further here are some other games and activities which improving coding skills and knowledge. Children may enjoy playing these at home, feel free to share them with friends. 

REMEMBER to keep safe at home and online.

Hour of Code: Try these engaging, introductory tutorials

Try a one-hour tutorial designed for all ages. There are hundreds of activities and tutorials in over 45 languages.

Stay Active Board Game

Here is a fun game you can play with all the family. It has the same rules as snakes and ladders but if you land on a 'points' square, the person whose turn it is next has to give you an activity to do, if you land on a school games mark, choose a card at random to see what your activity is. 

Have fun and keep safe!

Charley's Challenge!

What a way to start the new week! Charley obviously wanted to challenge herself and got stuck into the home learning already. Fanatsic work Charley - well done. 
