Class Blog

Year 3 Blog

KS2 Yoga

Pupils in KS2 have been lucky to have the opportunity to work with Miss Stevens from Mindful Bunny on their yoga skills. 

Year 3 Home Learning Grid 23rd March

We do hope that you're all doing well in this very difficult time. If you've been self isolating then you would have accessed last week's work. If not then the attached learning grid will give you ideas for activities to complete at home. Please click Read More to access!. These blogs will be updated every Monday so keep checking as it's our way of communicating with you.

Home learning Y3

If you are self isolating, the attached learning grid will give you ideas for activities to complete at home. Please click Read More to access!. These blogs will be updated every few days so keep checking as it's our way of communicating with you. Please have a go at the activities and don't forget to checkout the Homework Weblinks page on the website to access My Maths, Bug Club, TT Rockstars and Education City.  If you have any issues with accessing this work, please contact admin@broadbent


Aldi Kit for School

Thank you to all the parents during Autumn term who brought in stickers from Aldi. We managed to fill 2 posters and so have recieved 2 bags of free sporting equipment. In each bag there are some bibs, cones, beanbags, relay batons, stickers, egg and spoons and some balls. Broadbent Fold will have a fantastic time using this equipment in the run up to sports day!

Science Fair 2020

A massive thank you to all of the children at Broadbent Fold who took part in our Science Fair competition. I have really enjoyed looking at all of the different scientific experiments that have been produced. Thankyou to all of the parents and carers for supporting this event.

Our winners were:

Reception- Vincent Ennis and Charlie Hilton

Y1- Phoebe Easter and Isla Rothwell

Y2- Sam Sheppard and Evie O'Brien

Y3- Boyd Moody and Heidi Thomas

Y4- Ayden Hawley and Joshua Murphy

Y5- Cerys Clayton and Gracie Lawlor

Super Science at Rayner Stephens

Dressed to impress as 'Mad Scientists' Year 3 went to Rayner Stephens to use their science labs. To link with our bridge engineers, we created our own super structures. Our aim was to create a bridge that was sturdy enough to withstand a pile of cubes. What a fantatsic visit it was!

Challenge Me Throwing and Catching Event

Broadbent Fold took part in the Challenge Me Throwing and Catching event on Monday. Pupils in EYFS ahd to throw and catch a large ball for 2 minutes, pupils in KS1 had to throw and catch a tennis ball for 4 minutes and pupils in KS2 had to try to throw and catch a ball with one hand for 6 mintues. Pupils enjoyed the event and all got stickers for taking part. 

Skeleton Maths

Year 3 kicked off science week with measuring their skeletons in maths. They thoroughly enjoyed finding the bones, using the scientific names and using string and a meter stick to work out how long they were. We're intrigued to find out who has the longest humorous and which bone is the longest in the body! 

Bee Proud Volleyball Competition

Some of our Year 3 pupils went to compete in a volleyball competition against pupils in Years 3-6. They had some brilliant games and worked well as a team. Well done to Aaron gettin volleyballer of the day and Heidi getting a school games badge for passion. 
