Class Blog

Year 3 Blog


Year 3 have been warming up by doing press ups, star jumps and jogging.

Children are learning to play rugby by throwing and bouncing a rugby ball to each other.  They have played in groups of 3 or 4 passing the ball. 

Blog by Kasia and Charley (and Mrs Slate!)

Flying through the air

My goodness me- how the elastic bands flew through the air yesterday in Science! We were experimenting to see if we pulled an elastic band back further whether it would fly a longer distance. We tried to measure the pull force with a Newton Metre but the elastic band would not flick off so we resorted to pulling the band further and further back, six different distances. Look at how well the children did!

Fantastic Roald Dahl Day in Year 3!

What a fantatsic day we had in Year 3 celebrating Roald Dahl's birthday. We came to school dressed in amazing costumes, made incredible potions and marvellous medicine, completed Roald Dahl maths challenges and made up Roald Dahl  slogans.

Flying High

Year 3 have made an excellent start to the year.

Children have used the computer to design a title page for our new topic which includes text and images. In art children improved their use of shading to create different coloured hot air balloons.

A letter even arrived from the Artic! 

I wonder where a hot air balloon could go? 

Time Travel Tales!

We have some budding authors moving up to Year 5 next year!   During their last week in Year 4, children enjoyed telling their end of year Time Travel narratives to Year 3!  Not only had they written some amazing stories, Year 4 had designed and created their very own Time Travel objects which appeared in their tales!  These magical items included watches, clocks, hour glasses, stones, hats, tickets and books!  Children from Year 3 thought this made the stories even more exciting!  Brilliant writing and fabulous design and technology work too!  Mrs Blomeley

VE Day open afternoon

Thank you to Mums, Dads, Grandparents, Aunties and Uncles for joining us in celebrating the end of our WWII topic yesterday afternoon. The children were proud to show you their work and what they have been doing this half term. Thank you again for all your continued support his year. I wish the children the best of luck moving into Year 4. Miss Lewis

Coming to the end of the year...

What a jam packed year we have had exploring our topics Flying High, A Night on Bare Mountain, The Amazon Rainforest, The Stone Age, Canada and World War Two. I want to say a massive Thank You to you all for your continued support this year and I wish the children the best of luck as the move into Year 4. Remember 'I can't do iit YET!'Miss Lewis

Stockport Air Raid Shelter

On Tuesday 9th July, we had a fantatsic day and went back in time to Stockport Air Raid Shelters, to experience life as an evacuee during World War Two. We dressed up in our evacuee outfits and were met in Stockport by Mrs Grundy and a warden. Throughout the day, we sang WWII songs, tried on gas masks, explored artefacts and tried on clothing, visited the shelters and much more. In the Air Raid Shelters, we walked around all the different tunnels, and explored the male and female toilets, the first aid room, the nursing area, the kitchen, the prison and the beds.
