Class Blog

Year 3 Blog


Today we experienced a new sport called Parkour! We had to roll down slopes, run and leap over tables, jump from different heights, mini trampoline into the air and land safely, army roll, front and back somersault over platforms and balance on pipes! "It was awesome!" "We had so much fun!"

Learning Leaders teach teeth!

Following the fascinating find of a sheep's skull during the Easter holidays, some children from Year 5 shared this amazing example with Year 3 to support their learning on teeth  The Year 5 Learning Leaders asked questions to their younger school friends who were able to inspect (first hand) a real example of molars that belonged to this plant eating herbivore. Great job!  Mrs Blomeley

"Marbellous" Marble Run!

What a fantastic time everybody had at our family activity this week!  Staff and children are still talking about the fun they had in their attempts to make the most creative marble run. Quotes fom the childen included "It was a lot of trial and error but worth it in the end!"  "My favourite part was building the different components!"  "I thought today was awesome because everyone worked as a team with a smile."  Mrs Anson, our expert scientist, reported "My group showed great determination and ingenuity.

Canine Visitor

Today, we were visited by Mo and her owner from The Dogs Trust. They taught us how to be a responsible owner and how to be safe around dogs. Remember: always ask the owner to stroke their dog and let their dog smell you first to see if it wants to be stroked!

Stone Age

Welcome back to Spring term 2, we are now half way through Year 3! This week, we have begun exploring The Stone Age Boy, by Satoshi Kitamura. We have created questions for the Boy about his experience in the Stone Age and we have also wrote speech between the Boy and Om using inverted commas correctly. In Maths, we have been using partitioning for addition and subtraction. Stay tuned for more...


Welcome back with Beth Tweddle!

Today, Beth Tweddle MBE came to visit Broadbent Fold. She visited every class and we got to ask her questions about her gymnastics career.  We watched clips of her at the World Champions and at the London 2012 Olympics.  We asked her lots of questions:  1. How old were you when you won your first gold medal? “I was 8 years old.” 2. What age did you start gymnastics? “I started gymnastics when I was 7 years old.” “I retired when I was 28.” “Can you work out how many years I trained being a gymnast?” 3. What apparatus did you find difficult?

Safer Internet Day!

On Tuesday 5th February, the whole school participated in Internet Safety Day. This years theme was: Create, Connect and Share Respect: a better internet starts with you. In Year 3, we explored why we use the internet and how we can play the role in helping create a safer online community. Year 5 came to talk to us about cyberbulling and how to think SMART. We then created posters which we shared with Year 1 children. We taught them everything we know about internet safety. At the end of the session, Miss Lewis asked lots of questions to see how much we had learnt.

Healthy Teaching and Learning in Year 5 and Year 3!

Using resources loaned from the NHS Foundation Trust (Be Well Tameside), Mrs Anson delivered an important lesson to Year 5 on nutrition and how to look after your teeth.  Following the lesson the class visited Year 3 to share their knowledge.  Both classes enjoyed the activity and some fantastic learning took place.  It sees we have some budding health advisors and dentists in our school!  Well done everyone!  Mrs Blomeley


In Spanish we have been talking and writing about our favourite foods. In English, we have created a class book and filled it with our fantastic poems that we wrote about Rainforest Animals in the style of Paul Hess. In Science, we have been exploring different types of rocks,  their properties and if they are waterproof. In Maths, we have been learning how to tell the time to the nearest minute on an analogue and digital clock. We have been adding and subtracting time and learning about am and pm. Stay tuned for more…

RE Creative Week

This week is our Religious Education creative week. We have started out new topic 'What do different people think about God?' We has discuss if God were a flower, the weather, colour, animal, item of clothing and food, what would he be? 'God would be a Lilly flower, because they are beautiful.' By Lucy.D. 'God would be a monkey because they have lot's of energy just like God.' By Maisie.S. 'God would be a pair of slippers because they keep us warm.' By Olivia.S.
