Class Blog

Year 4 Blog

Amazing Awards

Great job Year 4 this week. Lots of children gained star points. Aubrey was issued a pen for her beautiful handwriting. Millie and Ted achieved the Head teacher certificates and Layla and Mia won the Good to be Green pencils. Year 4 even won the trophy for PE this week. Brilliant work everyone. 

Purple Mash in Year 4

Year 4 had chance to explore Purple Mash this afternoon. The programme is full of Roman information and quizzes and lots of maths games. They were very excited to be able to choose activities that helped improve their own knowledge.

Primary Science Quality Mark 2022

We have achieved our Primary Science and Quality Mark! Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM) is the only national award scheme to develop and celebrate the quality of science teaching and learning in primary schools.

Reading Competition

The KS2 Reading Ambassadors launched a competition for classes to design a poster encouraging reading for pleasure.

The Ambassadors met together to choose two winners from each class involved- this was a tough decision!

We chose our overall winner- Sam Sheppard from Year 5! Well done Sam!

All of the winning posters will be proudly displayed in the KS2 Library and they will also be sent to Tameside Libraries who will share them too.

Our winners are: Y2- Matilda H and Reeva Y3- Vincent and Chloe Y4- Hollie and Renie Y5- Mia and Sam Y6- Lexi and Xander.

Amazing Awards

Congratulations to Ava and Renee for gaining the head teachers awards this week. Jacob and Isla were awarded the Good to be Green pencils and Renee and Hollie won our reading poster competition. A brilliant week, well done Year 4.

Marvellous Music

The children have been marvellous in their penny whistle lessons with Mrs O'Leary. They are practising their scales, listening, appraising and appreciating different types of music. Great  work. 

Year 4 Chester Museum Trip

There was a lot of fun and learning at the Grosvenor Museum in Chester today. The children were Roman soldiers, archaeologists and investigator. It was fabulous! 
