Class Blog

Year 4 Blog

Super Science

Year 4 were using instruments this week to investigate their pitch. They were able to organise and sort the instruments into low and high pitch and found out why they were high and low pitched. They were amazed to find out how the sound vibrations looked and how the size of the space for the vibrations really affected the pitch.

Lest We Forget

Year 4 joined a live Remembrance Service today and observed 2 minutes of silence as a mark of respect. Look at the work they have created today. 

Fabulous 4

Amazing awards this week in class. Another 4 children received their bronze awards.. A fabulous week. Well done Year 4. 

Internet Legends Assembly

Internet Legends live assembly was watched by Year 3,4 & 5 this morning.

Children learnt the importance of not using the same password, they also learnt about web browsers.  

Another area of Online Safety shared was the importance message to be careful what is shared online, this includes what is shared on wats app.


Change your password.

Don't keep logged on shared devices. 


Year 4 have been improving their handball skills this week. They were working in teams to retrieve balls, send and pass balls accurately to each other and practised defending and finding a space so that they could receive the ball. A great lesson and team work skills. 

Planting Crocuses for World Polio Day

As part of World Polio Day 2022 the Eco leaders and chosen children from each class planted 500 crocuses in the school grounds.  These were kindly donated by Tameside Rotary.and members of the Rotary came to help and support the children with their planting.  Well done everyone, you all did a fantastic job!  We are looking forward to seeing the flowers bloom in the spring.

Super Sound

The children today carried out a fair test to compare how well they were able to hear each other using hand made string telephones. They decided to compare their telephone with someone else's who had either longer or shorter string, a different type of string or someone who pulled their string tighter. They were fantastic at reasoning why their telephones worked better when the string was tighter, shorter or had a thinner string, explaining about how sound vibrations had to move along the string to get to their partners ear and it needed to be tight and thin and close. 

October Book Scavenger Hunt

Well done to all of the children who entered our Book Scavenger Hunt over the October half term. 

We hope you enjoy using your bookmarks to read more books :)

Miss Harvey and the Reading Ambassadors

Y4 Award Winners

A fantastic effort this week from all of year 4. Another 6 children received their bronze award. A group of children earned their stage 1 and stage 2 swimming certificates. Well done everyone. 
