Class Blog

Year 4 Blog

Safer Internet and Mental Health Week

Safer Internet Day 2023 will take place on the 7th of February 2023, with celebrations and learning based around the theme ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’. We are also linking this with Mental Health Week - as they go hand in hand. I am asking our pupils to design a poster about life online, which links the themes. All entries are to be sent to Mrs Parker by 10th February. Pupil Leaders will help me to decide the winners. 

Tranquility in Year 4

Tranquility spread through Year 4 today on Well-being Wednesday's yoga lessons. Look at how much they have improved from last time, how flexible the children are getting and how proficient they are at their yoga poses now. 

RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2023

The RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch is this weekend  27th-29th January.  By taking part in Big Garden Birdwatch you, and hundreds of thousands of other like-minded nature lovers, will be taking action to protect our birds for generations to come. The Big Garden Birdwatch is fun, free and for everyone. And you don’t need a garden to take part! Counting birds from your balcony, or your local park will play a vital role in helping us understand how UK birds are doing.

Lighting Up The World

Wow! Today, Dom from Skillsupply came into Year 4 to teach the children how to code electrical diodes. The class had an amazing time programming, writing algorithms, reading digital literacy, using Crumble equipment and electrical items, making lights change colour and flash and they even wrote a loop code and programmed a switch. A super morning was had by all. 

RSPB Big Schools Bird Watch

The Eco Leaders carried out the RSPB Big Schools Bird Watch this morning.  They were all excellent at spotting the birds that are living in and near the school grounds.  We saw Magpies, Carrion crows, Sparrows and Robins.  We even spotted some beautiful Goldfinches eating the seeds from the Alder trees.  Well done everyone you did a fabulous job!



Amazing Year 4 Pupils

Today has been a record for certificates in Year 4. A massive congratulations to all the children who received the class merit award, the Good to be Green pencils and their silver awards. The class has also earned their class compliments award and a message will be coming out next week about what they have chosen to do for their prize. Well done all of Year 4. 

Super Science

Year 4 are excited to start our electricity topic next week. It will be launched by the coding electrical workshop of Tuesday. They will be learning all about electrical safety, electrical components, electrical circuits and electrical conductors and insulators. Keep reading our blogs to find out more about our super science topic. 

Year 4 Winners

A massive congratulations to our Head teacher Merit winner, the children who gained the Good to be Green pencils and our first 4 silver certificate awards. Well done everyone. 

Mindfulness in Year 4

Peace and calm reigned in Year 4 this afternoon in our yoga session with Miss Harrop. The children practised mindfulness during breathing exercises and yoga poses. How very relaxing on a very wet and windy day. 

Our Amazing Visitor

Today, Imran came into class to teach Year 4 about the Prophet Mohammad. It was fascinating to find out about the life of the Prophet. The children were amazed to find out how the Prophet lived through so many tragedies in his life. The calling from Allah was strong and Mohammad went into the wilderness to receive messages from God through Angel Gabriel, writing these down in the Quran. The children were very respectful and listened intently to Imran when he was explaining. They also asked some very good questions too.
