Class Blog

Year 4 2024-2025 Blog

Marvellous Maths

Year 4 have been working hard to master division. They started off with understanding division as an inverse to multiplication and have progressed onto using a part, part, whole model. Today, they have been dividing numbers with remainders and tomorrow they'll be looking at 3 digit numbers to divide. Some fantastic work. 

British Science Week Competition 2023

Soon we will be taking part in British Science Week and we have lots of fun learning opportunities planned throughout school. The theme this year is 'connections.'

What do you know about connections in science? How are body parts connected? How is the world built on connections? How are all animals connected? How is the solar system connected to the sun?   Is there someone you have connected with who has inspired or helped you? This could be a famous scientist! 

Well done

Thank you to our Reading Ambassadors and Librarians for their help during World Book Day. They received a certificate in assembly today :)

We will meet next week to look at the top hat designs and choose our winners...

Miss Harvey

Year 4 Superstars

Great work to Year 4 this week. I'm highly impressed at how many children are recalling their times tables immediately and their detailed drawings. A special well done to our merit and pencil winners today. 

World Book Day Celebrations

Year 4 had a fantastic day completing the sport's reading quiz, emoji quiz, being read to and listening to an author. They look absolutely amazing today in their costumes too. We're continuing our love of reading by inviting Mrs Blomeley into read in class today and creating our Tudor non-fiction book. Check out the blogs next week for more reading updates. 

World Book Day quiz

Today our Reading Ambassadors and Librarians worked together to organise and put on a book quiz at lunchtimes for the school. They helped the children work out emoji clues to guess the fairytale, nursery rhyme or children's book. The children have worked so hard on identifying books and we are really impressed with their efforts and how many books they could recognise.

Thank you so much to our Reading Ambassadors and Librarians :)

Miss Harvey

Our crocuses and daffodils are growing!

In the Autumn term the Eco leaders and their chosen helpers from each class planted crocus and daffodil bulbs with the help of the members of the Tameside Rotary. The crocuses were donated by the Tameside Rotary to commemorate the End Polio Now campaign.  Now that it is the beginning of spring the flowers are starting to grow.  Fabulous job everyone!  Please make sure that any litter is picked up, as we sadly found a number of pieces of litter near the new flowers.

Tudor Portraits

Year 4 had a fantastic time practising drawing faces yesterday. They then used their new skills to draw a portrait of Henry VIII wives. Look at how accurate they were with the proportions of their facial features. Some excellent portraits,well done Year 4.

World Book Day Events

This week we celebrate World Book day on Thursday. During the week, we have lots of fun reading and book events taking place. Each class will have story time swaps where a different adult from the school will come to read them a story. Each class will make books to be displayed in their library making every child an author!. On Thursday Years 4-6 will take part in a football themed reading quiz. All children may bring in their favourite books, comics or magazines to read on Thursday. On Friday you may choose to dress up as your favourite character- I can't wait to see who you come as.

Year 4

Welcome back after the holidays. 

Our topic for the Spring Term is:  What was life like for the Tudors? Here, the children will be fully immersed into the Tudor time period. They will be creating a class book about the Tudors for World Book Day,  studying the Tudor monarchy, William Shakespeare, Tudor explorers and looking at their diet and cooking up a Tudor pottage. Alongside the Tudors, Year 4 will be finding out about teeth and how their digestive systems work and joining in British Science Week activities. What a fully packed 5 weeks we will have! 

Just a reminder: 
