Class Blog

Year 4 Blog

Partition Multiplication

Year 4 have started their first steps into short multiplication. They have been using their multiplication and place value knowledge to partition and multiply numbers together.  Look at their fantastic work. 

Marvellous Music

Year 4 are getting quite expert at playing their penny whistles. Today, they have continued to practise their notes, learn new songs, analyse rhythms and play along to Hallelujah and When the Saints go Marching in. We even sang one of my favourite song today- Mr Blue Sky by ELO. 

Book Look

Thank you to the families who joined us for our book look. We are very proud of the hard work our pupils are doing everyday - we are pleased you are too. There will be another opportunity soon. 

Positive Praise from Parents

Last night, Year 4 parents came to look at their children's books. Have a read of the lovely reponses they left for their children. What a fantastic positive evening. Thank you everyone for coming. 

Amazing Newspapers

Have a read of our wonderful newspaper reports about the missing lighthouse men from the Flannan Isles. The children worked really hard to ensure the features were covered and the facts explained. Well done Year 4. 

LGBT and History Month - February 2023

Do you know who this brave woman is from our history? February is LGBT History Month and we’re focussing on the lives and work of some courageous LGBT women. If you find out any details let Mrs Parker know for house points - we shall do some research together in assembly. 

Tameside Cross Country Championships

A big well done to everyone who gave up their Saturday morning to take part in the Tameside Cross Country Championships. It was brilliant to see some new faces and see everyone cheering on pupils in the other races. A special congratulations to the two boys who have been selected to represent Tameside in the Greater Manchester Cross Country Championships at Heaton Park next week. 

Year 3-4 Girls = 8th, 13th, 19th and 44th

Year 3-4 Boys = 3rd, 17th and 51st

Year 5-6 Girls = 36th and 52nd

Year 5-6 Boys = 10th, 16th and 19th

Marvellous Merits

Congratulations to our award winners this week. A special mention to all of Year 4 as they are celebrating after completing their class compliment chart. I'm very proud to be enjoying our pyjama party this afternoon. Keep up all the hard work Year 4. 

Reading Ambassador Challenge Winners

The Reading Ambassadors met with me this week to choose winners for the book reveiw challenge that was set in December.

Thank you to all of the children who took part in the challenge- it was a very hard decision to choose a winner for each class. Please have a look at the winning book reviews which will be sent to Tameside Libraries to share on their social media.

Our winners were: Noah Hatton, Bella Rose, Kai Munro Taylor, Sam Sheppard and Abigail Taylor. 
