Class Blog

Year 4 Blog

Year 4's Journey Through Roman Britain!

Year 4 had a great day yesterday at their Roman Workshop.  A journey through the key events of Roman Britain was brought to life in an interactive timeline including appearances from Claudius and Boudica!  The children had the opportunity to wear armour, handle a range of Roman artefacts, and took great delight in throwing spears!   It will certainly be a day to remember!  Mrs Blomeley

Fun Fundraising Friday in Year 4!

Year 4 had a "Fun Friday" when they dressed in blue and green to raise funds for the RMCH and the NHS!  The morning started with a visit from Max and Harvey who performed their single "Stranger" in the hall.  The children loved it!  Thank you for all your donations and support.  Mrs Blomeley

Year 4's Roman Coins!

Year 4 had great fun designing and making their own Roman coins using air clay and metallic paint.  Look at the concentration on their faces!  We think you'll agree that the finished coins look amazing!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 4 Home Learning Autumn 1

If you are self-isolating at home, here are some links and documents to help you with your learning.  Please click "read more" to access the attachments.

MATHS: Roman Numerals powerpoint, worksheet and answers.  MyMaths homework will be set.  Log onto Times Table Rockstars to practise your times tables.

How did the Romans change Britain?

Year 4 are enjoying their first topic - How did the Romans change Britain?   The children have many questions to answer such as When and why did the Romans invade Britain?  Where did they live?  What did they eat?  Who did they fight?  They are working hard to gather the facts by reading our class texts to help them understand what life was really like for Roman soldiers almost two thousand years ago.  Mrs Blomeley

Welcome to Year 4! Meet our other halves!

Year 4 used the halved photographs of their "school selves" to create the other half of the picture, which reveals their "other selves."  We think you will agree that they are amazing!"  We have some budding artists in our midst!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 4 Home Learning for w/c 20th July 2020

Here are this week’s Home Learning activities.  As it is the last week I have made sure they are fun!  I really like the outdoor learning activities from the Canal & River Trust as well as their ideas for Yoga.  Thank you for all your hard work during this difficult time – you have been amazing in the way you have adapted to the very tricky task of working at home!  Your parents have also been amazing so please do say thank you to them for all their help.  I hope you all have a lovely summer and I look forward to seeing you in September.

Results of Times Table Rock Stars Guinness World Records® Title Holder!

To all those Rock Legends out there!  Back in May I posted a link about becoming a Times Table Rock Stars Guinness World Records® Title Holder!  I'm not sure if anyone entered from our school but the results are now in and the title was won by a 10 year old boy from Long Eaton.  Take a look at his winning video by clicking on the link below.  His speed is incredible!  Well done to anyone who did enter - please let me know if you did! Mrs Blomeley

10-year old achieves a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title in maths during lockdown

Reuben's Mountain Climb!

Reuben took his learning to new heights this week!  Our current topic is Rivers and Mountains and he climbed more than half way up Snowdon!  He's also written a report on Snowdon, which is the highest mountain in Wales.  I am very impressed Reuben - this is fantastic learning!  Mrs Blomeley

Summer Reading

During the summer holidays can you take part in a reading challenge?

Tameside libraries are doing the Silly Squad reading challenge- find the details on their website:

Also you can take part in the Summer Reading Bingo challenge- download the bingo board A or B. If you complete a board and bring back your 'full house' in September you will win a special certificate. 
